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Advanced aircraft flight performance
发布日期:2014-12-08  浏览


This book deals with aircraft flight performance. It focuses on commercial aircraft but also considers examples of high-performance military aircraft. The framework is a multidisciplinary engineering analysis, fully supported by flight simulation, with software validation at several levels. The book covers topics such as geometrical configurations, configuration aerodynamics and determination of aerodynamic derivatives, weight engineering, propulsion systems (gas turbine engines and propellers), aircraft trim, flight envelopes, mission analysis, trajectory optimization, aircraft noise, noise trajectories, and analysis of environmental performance. A unique feature of this book is the discussion and analysis of the environmental performance of the aircraft, focusing on topics such as aircraft noise and carbon dioxide emissions.


1. Prolegomena;

2. Aircraft models;

3. Weight and balance performance;

4. Aerodynamic performance;

5. Engine performance;

6. Propeller performance;

7. Aeroplane trim;

8. Flight envelopes;

9. Take-off and field performance;

10. Climb performance;

11. Descent and landing performance;

12. Cruise performance;

13. Manoeuvre performance;

14. Thermo-structural performance;

15. Mission analysis;

16. Aircraft noise: noise sources;

17. Aircraft noise: propagation;

18. Aircraft noise: flight trajectories;

19. Environmental performance;

20. Epilogue.


版权所有:西安交通大学图书馆      设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心  
地址:陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号     邮编710049
