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Safety design for space operations
发布日期:2014-12-03  浏览


Endorsed by the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) and drawing on the expertise of the world’s leading experts in the field,Safety Design for Space Operations provides the practical how-to guidance and knowledge base needed to facilitate effective launch-site and operations safety in line with current regulations.

With information on space operations safety design currently disparate and difficult to find in one place, this unique reference brings together essential material on:

  • Best design practices relating to space operations, such as the design of spaceport facilities.
  • Advanced analysis methods, such as those used to calculate launch and re-entry debris fall-out risk.
  • Implementation of safe operation procedures, such as on-orbit space traffic management.
  • Safety considerations relating to the general public and the environment in addition to personnel and asset protection.

Taking in launch operations safety relating unmanned missions, such as the launch of probes and commercial satellites, as well as manned missions, Safety Design for Space Operations provides a comprehensive reference for engineers and technical managers within aerospace and high technology companies, space agencies, spaceport operators, satellite operators and consulting firms.


Chapter 1. Introduction to Space Operations Safety

Chapter 2. Spaceport Design for Safety

Chapter 3. Ground Safety: Special Topics

Chapter 4. Safety in Launch Operations

Chapter 5. Other Launch safety Hazards

Chapter 6. Nuclear-powered payload safety

Chapter 7. On-Orbit Mission Control

Chapter 8. Orbital operations safety

Chapter 9. Re-entry operations safety

Chapter 10. Air-Space Traffic Interface Management

Chapter 11. Safety of Ground-based Space Laser Application

Chapter 12. The Use of Quantitative Risk assessment in the Operations Phase of Space Missions

Appendix A. Meteorology and Range Safety

Appendix B. Human and Structural Vulnerability

Appendix C. Launch Chronology and Launch Failures

Appendix D. Lightning Protection Systems

Appendix E. The Role of Economics in Spaceport Safety

Appendix F. Re-Entry Risk Formulas



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