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Liquid rocket thrust chambers : aspects of modeling, analysis, and design
发布日期:2007-09-12  浏览

[图书简介]In this first major publication on the topic since the 1960s, contributors describe their research in such areas as propellant injection systems and processes, design and dynamics of jet and swirl injectors, atomization in coaxial-jet injectors, liquid bipropellant injectors, and distortion and disintegration of liquid streams. They include work in modeling liquid-propellant spray and droplet vaporization combustion processes, subcritical and supercritical droplet cluster behavior in dense and dilute regions of sprays, mixing and combustion of cryogenic propellants, measurements at high pressure in cryogenic jet flames, and propellant ignition and flame propagation. Two chapters describe rocket engine nozzle concepts, design and optimization, and two others address the simulation and analysis of thrust chamber flowfields in storable and cryogenic propellant rockets. The final chapters include material on scaling techniques for design, assessment of thrust chamber performance, thermodynamic power cycles for pump-fed engines, and technologies for reusable launch vehicles and oxidizer-rich preburners.

This is the first major publication on liquid-rocket combustion devices since 1960. A total of 26 chapters prepared by world-renowned experts in their subject areas are included. Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of liquid-propellant combustion and thrust chamber dynamics, and is incorporated into the volume in a well-organized, cohesive manner. There are contributions from nine different countries--China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, and the United States.

Table Of Contents



             Propellant Injection Systems and Processes

                               Jackson I. Ito


                    Rocket Application Design Requirements

                           Thrust Level and Operating Pressure

                           Propellant Type

                           Engine Cycle or Feed System

                    Common Combustion Device Development Risks

                           Combustion Instability

                           Combustion Chamber Overheating and Burnout

                           Injector Face Erosion

                           Low Thrust Chamber Assembly Performance

                           Unsafe Transients

                    Injection System Design Considerations

                           Engine Pressure Schedule

                           Nozzle Expansion Ratio

                           Contraction Ratio

                           Chamber Length

                           Injection Element and Pattern

                    Critical Combustion Processes

                           Injector Manifold Distribution

                           Injector Spray Atomization

                           Propellant Droplet Vaporization

                           Bipropellant Mixing

                    Candidate Injectors for Liquid Rocket Applications

                           Coaxial Jet Injectors

                           Impinging Jet Injectors

                           Parallel Jet (Showerhead) Injectors

                           Injector Design Synthesis

                    Conclusions and Recommendations


             Design and Dynamics of Jet and Swirl Injectors

                               Vladimir Bazarov

                               Vigor Yang

                               Puneesh Puri



                           Classification of Injectors and Methods of Mixture Formation

                           Liquid Injectors

                           Gas-Liquid Injectors

                           Intensification of Propellant Atomization and Mixing in Liquid Injectors

                           Intensification of Propellant Atomization and Mixing in Gas-Liquid Injectors

                    Theory and Design of Liquid Monopropellant Jet Injectors

                           Flow Characteristics

                           Effect of Injector Configuration

                           Flow Coefficient

                           Design Procedure

                    Theory and Design of Gaseous Monopropellant Jet Injectors

                           Flow Characteristics

                           Design Procedure

                    Theory and Design of Gas-Liquid Jet Injectors

                    Theory and Design of Liquid Monopropellant Swirl Injectors

                           Flow Characteristics of Ideal Swirl Injector

                           Flow Characteristics of Real Swirl Injectors

                           Effect of Viscosity on Injector Operation

                           Design Procedure

                    Theory and Design of Liquid Bipropellant Swirl Injectors

                           Injectors with External Mixing

                           Injectors with Internal Mixing

                    Modulation of Liquid Spray Characteristics of Swirl Injectors

                    Design of Gas Swirl Injectors

                           Design Procedure

                           Selection of Geometric Dimensions and Flow Parameters

                    Dynamics of Liquid Rocket Injectors

                           Linear Dynamics of Jet Injectors

                           Linear Dynamics of Swirl Injectors



             Atomization in Coaxial-Jet Injectors

                               Lucien Vingert

                               Pierre Gicquel

                               Michel Ledoux

                               Isabelle Care

                               Michael Micci

                               Michael Glogowski



                    Phenomenological Description and Literature Review

                           General Scheme of Jet Disintegration and Drop Formation

                           Studies of Elementary Processes

                           Numerical Simulations of the Atomization Process

                           Derivation of Droplet Size Distribution Functions

                    Investigations of Atomization in Shear Coaxial Injectors

                           Experimental and Theoretical Investigation at Atmospheric Pressure with Simulants

                           Photographic Studies Using Cryogenic Fluids (Liquid/Gaseous Nitrogen)

                           LOX Spray Combustion




             Liquid Bipropellant Injectors

                               William E. Anderson

                               Matthew R. Long

                               Stephen D. Heister



                    Impinging Jet Injector

                           General Description

                           Applications and Design Guidelines

                           Mechanistic Study

                           Modeling Approaches

                    Bicentrifugal Swirl Injector

                           General Description

                           Applications and Design Guidelines

                           Modeling Approaches

                    Pintle Injector

                           General Description

                           Applications and Design Guidelines

                           Mechanistic Study

                    Summary and Conclusions


             Distortion and Disintegration of Liquid Streams

                               William A. Sirignano

                               Carsten Mehring



                    Formulation of Governing Equations

                    Round Jet Analyses

                           Temporal Stability Analysis

                           Surface Energy

                           Spatial Stability Analysis

                           Nonlinear Effects

                           Viscous Effects

                           Spray Control via Electric Fields

                           Coaxial Jets

                    Planar Sheet Analyses

                           Linear Theory

                           Fan Sheets

                           Simplified Breakup Theories

                           Nonlinear Theory

                    Annular Free Films

                           Linear Theory

                           Nonlinear Theory

                           Effect of Swirl

                    Conical Free Films

                    Concluding Remarks



             Modeling Liquid-Propellant Spray Combustion Processes

                               H. H. Chiu

                               J. C. Oefelein


                    Fundamental Formulation for Two-Phase Flow

                           Local Instantaneous Equations

                           Averaged Equations

                           Decomposition of Variables and Averaging Procedures

                    Basic Modeling Approaches

                           Eulerian-Lagrangian Formulation

                           Dynamic Transport and Heat Transfer Equations of a Drop

                           Non-Dilute Spray Models

                           Morphological and Kinetic Models

                    Turbulence Generation and Modulation

                           Drop-Turbulence Interactions

                           Drop Dispersion Models

                           Drop Gasification and Wake-Induced Turbulence Modulation

                           Two-Way Coupling Model for Interphase Exchange of Ksp and Esp

                           Modulation of the Turbulent Energy Spectrum

                    Collective Phenomena in Combusting Sprays

                           Drop-Based Spray Model

                           Configuration and Structure of Group Combustion

                    Multiphase Combustion at Supercritical Conditions

                           General Scaling Law for Flame Radius

                           Scaling Law for the Initial Flame Expansion

                           Scaling Law for the Maximum Flame Radius




             Liquid-Propellant Droplet Vaporization and Combustion

                               Vigor Yang

                               Patrick Lafon

                               George C. Hsiao

                               Mohammed Habiballah

                               Feng-Chen Zhuang


                    Thermodynamic and Transport Properties

                           Extended Corresponding-State Principle

                           Equation of State

                           Thermodynamic Properties

                           Transport Properties

                    Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibrium

                    Droplet Vaporization in Quiescent Environments

                           Cryogenic Propellants

                           Hydrocarbon Propellants

                           Hypergolic Propellants

                    Droplet Vaporization in Convective Environments

                    Droplet Combustion

                    Droplet Response to Ambient Flow Oscillation

                           Hydrocarbon/Air System

                           Oxygen/Hydrogen System




             Subcritical/Supercritical Droplet Cluster Behavior in Dense and Dilute Regions of Sprays

                               Josette Bellan


                    Clusters of Binary-Species Drops in Air (Subcritical)

                    Clusters of Fluid O2 Drops in H2 (Supercritical)

                    Summary and Conclusions



             Fundamentals of Supercritical Mixing and Combustion of Cryogenic Propellants

                               Wolfgang O. H. Mayer

                               Joshua J. Smith



                    Cold-Flow Research

                           Single-Component Systems

                           Cold-Flow Investigation Experimental Setup

                           Single-Component Behavior

                           Binary-Component Systems

                    Combusting Flow Research

                           Experimental Procedure

                           Subcritical Combustion

                    Supercritical Combustion

                           Principal Flow Characteristics

                           Oxygen Jet Breakup

                           Flame Structure and Radiation

                           Flame-Holding Mechanisms

                           Propellant Interface Phenomena

                           Effects of Injector Design on Flowfield

                           Ignition Transients



             CARS Measurements at High Pressure in Cryogenic LOX/GH2 Jet Flames

                               F. Grisch

                               P. Bouchardy

                               L. Vingert

                               W. Clauss

                               M. Oschwald

                               O. M. Stel'mack

                               V. V. Smirnov



                    Experimental Facilities

                           Mascotte Facility

                           P8 Facility

                    CARS Overview

                    Probe Species in LOX/GH2 Combustion


                           Water Vapor

                    Experimental Setup


                           H2 Data Reduction

                           H2O Data Reduction

                           Flame Measurements




             Propellant Ignition and Flame Propagation

                               Eric A. Hurlbert

                               Robert J. Moreland

                               Sebastien Candel



                    General Background and Fundamental Considerations

                           Autoignition of Homogeneous Volume of Reactants

                           Minimum Ignition Energy

                           Effects of Turbulence and Droplet Evaporation

                           Propagation from a Flame Kernel

                           Compressibility Effects

                           Numerical Modeling of Ignition Processes

                    Ignition of Nonhypergolic Propellants

                           Thermal Ignition Devices

                           Resonant Ignition Devices

                           Catalytic Ignition Devices

                           Third-Chemical or Hypergolic Ignition Devices

                           Photochemical Laser Ignition

                           Spark Ignition Devices

                    Hypergolic Propellant Ignition

                           Design Considerations for Hypergolic Engine Ignition

                           Physical Processes Occurring During Ignition Transient

                           Modeling of Hypergolic Ignition Transient

                    Discussion and Conclusion



             Rocket Engine Nozzle Concepts

                               Gerald Hagemann

                               Hans Immich

                               Thong Nguyen

                               Gennady E. Dumnov



                    Conventional Nozzles

                           Flow Separation and Sideloads

                           Potential Performance Improvements

                    Altitude Adaptive Nozzles

                           Nozzles with Devices for Controlled Flow Separation

                           Plug Nozzles

                           Expansion-Deflection Nozzles

                           Nozzles with Throat Area Varied by a Mechanical Pintle

                           Dual-Mode Nozzles



             Nozzle Design and Optimization

                               Patrick Vuillermoz

                               Claus Weiland

                               Gerald Hagemann

                               Bertrand Aupoix

                               Herve Grosdemange

                               Mikael Bigert


                    Nozzle Contour Optimization

                           Numerical Methods

                           Application to Vulcain 2 Design


                    Nozzle Film Cooling

                           Experimental Study

                           Computational Approach


                    Vulcain 2 Demonstration Program

                           Design of Demonstrator

                           Test Results

                           Test Analysis




             Simulation and Analysis of Thrust Chamber Flowfields: Storable Propellant Rockets

                               Dieter Preclik

                               Oliver Knab

                               Denis Estublier

                               Dag Wennerberg


                    General Aspects of Modeling Storable Propellant Combustion

                           Propellant Properties and Chemistry

                           Injection and Atomization

                           Cooling Principles

                    Liquid Bipropellant Spray Combustion Modeling

                           Gas-Phase Flow Modeling

                           Dispersed Phase Modeling

                           Liquid Film Modeling

                           Computational Efficiency and Flow Convergence Monitoring

                    Applied Simulations on Liquid Bipropellant Rocket Combustion

                           Hydrazine/NTO Small Rocket Combustor Simulations

                           MMH/NTO Aestus Engine Simulations with Regenerative Cooling

                           MMH/NTO 400-N Engine Simulations with Liquid Film Cooling



             Simulation and Analysis of Thrust Chamber Flowfields: Cryogenic Propellant Rockets

                               Dieter Preclik

                               Oliver Knab

                               Josef Gorgen

                               Gerald Hagemann


                    General Aspects of Modeling LOX/H2 Propellant Combustion

                           Liquid Oxygen/Gaseous Hydrogen Injection

                           Gas-Phase Combustion and Chemistry

                           Wall Heat Transfer

                    Applied Cryogenic LOX/H2 Rocket Combustion Simulations

                           Chamber Wall Heat Load and Effect of Injection Element-to-Wall Distance

                           Chamber Liner Crack Evolution and Performance

                           Supersonic Nozzle Wall Heat Transfer for High-Temperature Ceramic Materials

                    Summary and Conclusions


             Scaling Techniques for Design, Development, and Test

                               Carol E. Dexter

                               Mark F. Fisher

                               James R. Hulka

                               Konstantin P. Denisov

                               Alexander A. Shibanov

                               Anatoliy F. Agarkov



                    Combustion and Performance

                           Combustion Similarity

                           Nonreacting Flow Testing

                           Reacting Flow Testing

                    Combustion Stability

                           High-Frequency Instability Modeling in a Low-Pressure Single-Element Setup

                           Stability Scaling with Multi-Element Hardware

                    Heat Transfer

                           Hardware Description

                           Subscale Chamber Test Programs

                           Full-Scale SSME Heat Flux

                    Life Cycle Assessment

                           Subscale Combustion Chamber Liner Test Programs

                           Full-Scale Chamber Liner Testing



             Assessment of Thrust Chamber Performance

                               Douglas E. Coats



                    Definition of Ideal or Theoretical Performance

                    Real Engine Losses

                           Well-Characterized Losses

                           Poorly Characterized Losses, the Energy Release Efficiency


                           Ideal or Theoretical Performance

                           Well-Characterized Losses

                           Poorly Characterized Losses, the Energy Release Efficiency




             Thermodynamic Power Cycles for Pump-Fed Liquid Rocket Engines

                               Randy C. Parsley

                               Baojiong Zhang


                           Cycle Types and Configurations

                           Pump-Fed Powerhead Power Balance

                           Thermodynamic and Hardware Interactions

                           Fuel-Rich vs Oxidizer-Rich Combustion for Turbine Drive

                    Expander Cycles

                           General Cycle Discussion

                           Configuration Options

                           Expander Thrust Scaling Trends and Issues

                    Gas Generator Cycles

                           General Cycle Discussion

                           Configuration Options

                           Gas Generator Thrust Scaling Trends and Issues

                    Staged Combustion Cycles

                           General Cycle Discussion

                           Configuration Options

                           Staged Combustion Thrust Scaling Trends and Issues



             Tripropellant Engine Technology for Reusable Launch Vehicles

                               N. S. Gontcharov

                               V. A. Orlov

                               V. S. Rachuk

                               M. A. Rudis

                               A. V. Shostak

                               R. G. Starke

                               J. R. Hulka



                    Selection of Tripropellant Engine Cycle for Reusable SSTO Application

                           Turbine Drive Power of Preburner Gas

                           Ignition Hazard of Metal Parts in Hot Gas Flow

                           Preburner Temperature for Reusability Requirements

                           Soot Formation in Fuel-Rich Preburner

                    Tripropellant Engine Using Fuel-Rich Closed-Power Cycle

                           Optimum Engine Schematic

                           Engine Characteristics with Dual-Mode Operation

                           Requirements for Reusability and Operability

                    Use of RD-0120 Engine for Development of Tripropellant Engine




             Oxidizer-Rich Preburner Technology for Oxygen/Hydrogen Full Flow Cycle Applications

                               Shahram Farhangi

                               Robert J. Jensen

                               Ken Hunt

                               Linda Tuegel

                               Tai Yu



                    Oxidizer-Rich Combustion Issues

                    Preburner Design

                           Injector Element Selection

                           Injector Design and Analysis

                           Preburner Hardware Design

                    Hot-Fire Test Results

                    Summary and Conclusions



Subject Index

Author Index

Supporting Materials



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