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Exceptional Life Journeys : Stories of Childhood Disorder
发布日期:2015-12-31  浏览

Exceptional Life Journeys : Stories of Childhood Disorder

[Book Description]

Most students in training to become teachers, psychologists, physicians, and social workers as well as many practicing professionals in these disciplines do not get the opportunity to fully understand and appreciate the circumstances of children, parents, and teachers who have had to cope and adapt to childhood disorder. Most professionals in the field of childhood disorders are well trained in assessment and treatment methods and are aware of the clinical, theoretical, and empirical foundations of the work they do. In their training, they get some experience in diagnosing the educational, psychological, social, and medical problems of children through their supervised clinical internships. In their training and in their professional practice they get to interview, discuss, consult and collaborate with children and their families regarding developmental issues and treatment plans, however, they rarely get an opportunity to fully realize and understand what it is like to have a disorder and what it is like to be a mother, or father, or teacher of children with disorders. This book provides an opportunity for students in training and professionals in the field to gain some awareness of the life journeys of some exceptional children, their families and their teachers. This book focuses on those childhood disorders that are most common or what are sometimes referred to as high incidence disorders such as learning disabilities, autism, behavior disorder, depression, and anxiety. Beyond, a clinical, empirical, and theoretical description of childhood disorders or a personal account relative to one particular disorder, this book provides rich narratives of experience from multiple perspectives with respect to numerous childhood disorders. It provides readers with insight by sharing examples of personal contexts and situations, significant life issues, challenges and barriers, successes, and recommendations relative to particular circumstances.

[Table of Contents]
Introductory Stories
Part 1: Behavior Disorders
Attention -Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
Personal Stories
You Can’t Have ADHD - You’re Just like me!"
Parental Story
Signs Appear Early in Life and Significant Ones Will Persist
Professional Stories
In the Trenches with ADHD
Attention to a Child’s Strengths: A Lesson in Resiliency
Identifying the Problems and Working Collaboratively to Make the Best Decisions
Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders
Personal Story
Different Roads with Different Ends
Parental Story
A Matter of Soul
Professional Stories
Sometimes Persistence and Hope is All We Have
Seeking to understand before trying to be understood
Sometimes we Gain more than we think we will in our Work with Children and Youth
Part 2: Emotional Disorders
Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Personal Story
Managing the Fear
A Little Bit of History Repeating
Taming the Worry Beast
Parental Story
A Minefield
Learning to Trust Oneself
One Minute, One Hour, One Day
Am I going to have a good day?
Connecting Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
Professional Story
Strength within Ourselves often comes from the Strength of Others
Childhood Mood Disorders
Personal Story
The Prison of Oneself
Parental Story
Staying "In-Touch"
Professional Stories
Mad, Bad, or Sad: Learning is a Lifelong Learning
Meaning is all you Need; Relationship is All you Have
Part 3: Developmental and Learning Disorders
Learning Disabilities
Personal Story
From Confusion to Understanding and the Journey Along the Way
Parental Story
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, and another Step Forward
Professional Stories
From Experiencing and Understanding to Being Understood
My Best Year of Teaching
Keeping an Open Mind and Identifying the Primary Problem
Intellectual Disabilities
Personal Story
You Go Girl
Parental Story
Perfection in Imperfection
Professional Story
More the Same than Different
Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
Personal Story
Coming Out From Behind the Mask
Parental Story
Battling On With Love and Commitment"
Professional Story
There Is Much More To Coordination than Meets the Eye
Autistic Disorder
Personal Story
From Good to Bad and Back to Good Again
Parental Story
A Road travelled with Many Stops and Turns along the Way
Professional Stories
Patience and Appreciation
Getting There Step-By-Step
Working beyond the Diagnosis: Respecting the Bigger Picture
Part 4: Eating and Health Related Disorders
Eating Disorders
Personal Story
When Gaining is losing
My Struggle to be Free to Fly
Parental Story
She Looks Like Death
Professional Story
Finding Oneself within Ambiguity
Somatoform Disorders
Personal Story
Believing in Myself and Going from Bad to Good
Parental Story
Ups and Downs and Turns Arounds
Professional Story
A Matter of Control



版权所有:西安交通大学图书馆      设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心  
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