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Practical Skills and Clinical Management of Alcoholism & Drug Addiction
发布日期:2015-12-31  浏览

Practical Skills and Clinical Management of Alcoholism & Drug Addiction

[Book Description]

This insightful book is a synoptic presentation of Causes and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction. It gives an insight into Alcoholism and Drug Addiction genetic and/or acquired etiologies through researched studies that draw the conclusion that Addiction is a disease/ medical condition. It features the treatment from detox followed by psychotherapy with evidence based practices and supported by Aftercare programs to maintain sobriety and recovery. This book includes: an insight into Alcoholism and Drug Addiction; psychotherapy with evidence based practices; aftercare programs; classification and effects of psychoactive drugs; drug screening procedures; Motivational Interviewing; Causes and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction; Life and clinical experiences; Culture and Drug Addiction; and Levels of Care in Structured Programs.

[Table of Contents]
Chapter 1, Addiction and its Etiology
Definition & Characteristics of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction.
Incidence Report: Alcoholism in the Family.
Incidence Report: Gloria Drug Abuse (Cross Addiction)
Chapter 2, Common Psychoactive Drugs
CNS Stimulants
CNS Depressants & Hypnotics
CNS Hallucinogens
Women & Alcohol
Drug-Screening Procedures
Active Compounds (Cannabinoids) in Marijuana
Sedatives, Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
Opioids: Heroin
Harm Reduction
Chapter 3, Management of Addiction
A Case Study: Familial Depression
Motivational Interviewing (MI)
Motivational Interviewing Transcript
Classification Format of Pathology
Chapter 4, Theories of Treatment
Adlerian Theory
Behavior Therapy
Social Cognitive Theory/Learning
Rational-Emotive-Behavioral-Therapy (REBT)
The ABC model of REBT
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Gestalt Therapy (Meaningful Whole)
Existential Theory
Motivational Enhancement Theory (MET)
Person-Centered Therapy
Psycho-analytical Therapy
Reality/Choice Control Therapy
Support Groups (After Care programs)
Special Focus programs
Alternative Incarceration Program (AIP)
Chapter 5, The Impact & Treatment of Drug Addiction
Family & Drug Addiction
Culture & Drug Addiction
Women & Drug Addiction
Older Adults & Drug Addiction
Mental illness & Drug Addiction
Sexual Minorities (LGBTQ) & Drug Addiction
Addiction & Diseases (‘Addicted’brain, HIV.AIDS, Hepatitis)
Culture-Centered Treatment Program
‘Cultural bias’Treatment Model.
Concept of the Model
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM): Patient Placement Criteria (PPC) 
Chapter 6, Pharmacotherapy (Medication Therapy)
Current Medication Management of Alcohol Dependence
Drug Detoxification & Maintenance Treatment
Levels of Care in Structured Programs
‘Replacement’ Theory
Ibogaine Therapy
Nutrition & Recovery
Chapter 7, Crisis Intervention.


版权所有:西安交通大学图书馆      设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心  
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