Functional Polymers for Nanomedicine (Scc Polymer Chemistry) (1ST)
[Book Description]
Interest in the application of nanotechnology to medicine has surged in recent years and could transform the way we diagnose, treat and prevent diseases such as cancer. However, the clinical success of nanomedicine is limited because of problems with toxicity and therapeutic efficacy. To overcome this it is essential to produce new nanosystems with specific functions, which can be achieved by designing new polymers with particular properties that can be used for nanomedicine. Functional Polymers for Nanomedicine provides a complete overview of the different strategies for designing polymers for nanomedicine applications. The first part of the book looks at the current problems and direction in nanomedicine including a review of current design and targeting of nanocarriers. The second part explores the design of polymers with different functions including hyperbranched polymers, polymersomes, polysaccharides, polymeric micelles and zwitterionic polymers and their applications in gene therapy and drug delivery.This timely book is edited by a leading scientist in nanomedicine and provides a suitable introduction and reference source for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and academic and industrial researchers in polymer science, nanotechnology and pharmacy interested in materials for medical applications.
[Table of Contents]
Chapter 1 Targeted Drug Delivery in 1 (19)
Oncology: Current Paradigm and Challenges
Darren Lars Stirland
You Han Bae
1.1 Targeted Drug Delivery 2 (1)
1.1.1 Origins of Targeted Drug Delivery 2 (1)
1.1.2 Progress in Targeted Drug Delivery 3 (1)
1.2 Current Paradigm 3 (2)
1.3 Challenges to Current Paradigm 5 (9)
1.3.1 Challenges Present in the Carrier 6 (3)
1.3.2 Challenges Present in the Target 9 (5)
1.4 Revolution 14 (6)
References 15 (5)
Chapter 2 Targeted Nanomedicines: 20 (12)
Challenges and Opportunities
Xinpeng Ma
Gang Huang
Yiguang Wang
Jinming Gao
2.1 Introduction 20 (1)
2.2 Passive Targeting by Stealth 21 (2)
2.2.1 Nanomedicine Clearance by the 22 (1)
Reticuloendothelial System
2.2.2 Tumor Penetration by Nanomedicines 22 (1)
2.3 Active Targeting by 23 (4)
Surface-Functionalized Nanomedicines
2.3.1 Cancer Specificity of Active 24 (2)
Targeting Nanomedicines
2.3.2 Increased Clearance of Active 26 (1)
Targeting Nanomedicines
2.3.3 Tumor Accumulation: Passive vs. 26 (1)
Active Targeting Nanomedicines
2.4 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 27 (5)
Acknowledgements 28 (1)
References 28 (4)
Chapter 3 Rational Design of Translational 32 (31)
Qihang Sun
Maciej Radosz
Youqing Shen
3.1 The Three Key Elements for 32 (3)
Translational Nanomedicine
3.2 The 2R2S Capability of Nanocarriers 35 (16)
3.2.1 2R: Drug Retention in Circulation 35 (9)
versus Intracellular Release
3.2.2 2S: Stealthy in Circulation and 44 (7)
Tumor Penetration versus Sticky to
Tumor Cells
3.3 The Material Excipientability and 51 (1)
Production Process Scale-Up Ability
3.4 Challenges of Rational Design for 52 (1)
Translational Nanomedicine
3.5 Conclusion 53 (10)
References 53 (10)
Chapter 4 Functional Polymers for Gene 63 (58)
Xuan Zeng
Ren-Xi Zhuo
Xian-Zheng Zhang
4.1 Introduction 63 (2)
4.2 Polyethylenimine-Based Gene Vectors 65 (12)
4.2.1 Low-Toxicity Polyethylenimine 66 (7)
4.2.2 Cell-Targeted Polyethylenimine 73 (3)
4.2.3 Other Polyethylenimine Derivatives 76 (1)
4.3 Chitosan-Based Gene Vectors 77 (4)
4.3.1 PEI-Modified Chitosans 78 (1)
4.3.2 Cell-Targeted Chitosans 79 (1)
4.3.3 Other Chitosan Derivatives 79 (2)
4.4 Dendrimer-Based Gene Vectors 81 (6)
4.4.1 Polyamidoamine Dendrimers 82 (3)
4.4.2 Polypropylenimine Dendrimers 85 (1)
4.4.3 Poly(L-lysine) Dendrimers 86 (1)
4.5 Polypeptide Gene Vectors 87 (5)
4.5.1 Normal Peptide-Based Vectors 87 (2)
4.5.2 Cell-Penetrating Peptides 89 (2)
4.5.3 Nuclear Localization Signal 91 (1)
4.5.4 Asp-Based Peptides 92 (1)
4.6 Other Gene Vectors 92 (14)
4.6.1 Lipid-Based Vectors 92 (2)
4.6.2 Polyallylamine 94 (1)
4.6.3 Linear Poly(amidoamine)s 95 (1)
4.6.4 Multi-layer Complexes 96 (2)
4.6.5 Polycarbonates 98 (1)
4.6.6 Nanoparticles 99 (2)
4.6.7 Other Types 101(5)
4.7 Future Trends 106(6)
4.7.1 Stem Cell Transfection 108(2)
4.7.2 Combinatorial Vectors 110(1)
4.7.3 Virus Mimic Vectors 111(1)
4.7.4 Therapeutic Genes 112(1)
4.8 Conclusion 112(9)
Acknowledgements 112(1)
References 112(9)
Chapter 5 Functional Hyperbranched Polymers 121(23)
for Drug and Gene Delivery
Yue Jin
Xinyuan Zhu
5.1 Introduction 121(1)
5.2 Preparation of Functional HBPs 122(4)
5.2.1 Preparation of HBPs 122(1)
5.2.2 Functionalization of HBPs 123(3)
5.3 Functionality of Delivery 126(11)
5.3.1 Responsiveness 126(4)
5.3.2 Targeting 130(5)
5.3.3 Imaging 135(1)
5.3.4 Biodegradability and 136(1)
5.3.5 Multifunctionality 136(1)
5.4 Applications in Drug and Gene Delivery 137(2)
5.4.1 Application as Drug Carriers 137(2)
5.4.2 Application as Gene Vectors 139(1)
5.5 Summary 139(5)
Acknowledgements 140(1)
References 140(4)
Chapter 6 Functional Polymersomes for 144(14)
Controlled Drug Delivery
Fenghua Meng
Ru Cheng
Chao Deng
Zhiyuan Zhong
6.1 Introduction 144(3)
6.2 Stimuli-Responsive Polymersomes 147(3)
6.3 Chimaeric Polymersomes 150(1)
6.4 Biomimetic Polymersomes 151(2)
6.5 Tumor-Targeting Polymersomes 153(1)
6.6 Conclusion and Perspectives 154(4)
Acknowledgements 154(1)
References 154(4)
Chapter 7 Polymeric Micelle-Based 158(32)
Nanomedicine for siRNA Delivery
Xi-Qiu Liu
Xian-Zhu Yang
Jun Wang
7.1 Introduction 158(2)
7.2 Barriers to the Efficacy of siRNA 160(3)
7.3 Polymeric Micelles for siRNA Delivery 163(15)
7.3.1 Polymeric Micelles Based on 164(5)
Amphiphilic Polymers for siRNA Delivery
7.3.2 Smart Responsive Micelles for 169(9)
siRNA Delivery
7.4 Co-delivery of siRNA and Drugs Based 178(3)
on Polymeric Micelles
7.5 Future Perspectives 181(2)
7.6 Conclusion 183(7)
References 184(6)
Chapter 8 Polysaccharide/Polynucleotide 190(17)
Complexes for Cell-Specific DNA Delivery
Shinichi Mochizuki
Kazuo Sakurai
8.1 Introduction 190(2)
8.2 Characterization of the SPG/DNA 192(4)
8.2.1 Preparation of the SPG/DNA Complex 192(1)
8.2.2 Solution Properties and 192(2)
8.2.3 Thermal Stability of the Complexes 194(2)
8.3 Application of the Complex to ODN 196(7)
8.3.1 Uptake of the Complex by 196(1)
8.3.2 IL-12 Secretion Due to 196(3)
Administration of Cpg-ODN/SPG Complexes
8.3.3 LPS-Induced TNF-α 199(1)
Suppression by the AS-ODN/SPG Complex
in vitro and in vivo
8.3.4 A New Therapy for Inflammatory 199(4)
Bowel Disease Using Antisense
Macrophage-Migration Inhibitory Factor
8.4 Conclusion 203(4)
References 204(3)
Chapter 9 Design of Complex Micelles for 207(20)
Drug Delivery
Rujiang Ma
Linqi Shi
9.1 Introduction 207(1)
9.2 Core-Shell-Corona Micelles for Drug 208(8)
9.3 Complex Micelles with Surface 216(5)
Channels for Drug Delivery
9.4 Polyion Complex Micelles for Drug 221(6)
References 225(2)
Chapter 10 Zwitterionic Polymers for 227(18)
Targeted Drug Delivery
Weifeng Lin
Zheng Wang
ShengFu Chen
10.1 Introduction 227(1)
10.2 Principles Toward Protein-Resistant 228(5)
Zwitterionic Polymers
10.3 Phosphorylcholine-Based Polymers for 233(6)
Drug Delivery
10.4 CBMA-Based Polymers for Drug Delivery 239(2)
10.5 Conclusion and Perspectives 241(4)
References 241(4)
Chapter 11 Polymer-Based Prodrugs for 245(16)
Cancer Chemotherapy
Qihang Sun
Jinqiang Wang
Maciej Radosz
Youqing Shen
11.1 Introduction 245(1)
11.2 Design of Polymer-Based Prodrugs 246(4)
11.2.1 Linkers 246(2)
11.2.2 Modifiers 248(1)
11.2.3 Drawbacks of Current 249(1)
Polymer-Based Prodrugs
11.3 New Strategies for Polymer Prodrugs 250(5)
11.3.1 Self-Assembling Prodrugs 250(3)
11.3.2 Prodrug Micelles 253(1)
11.3.3 Drug Polymers 254(1)
11.4 Future Challenges 255(6)
References 257(4)
Chapter 12 Nonviral Vector Recombinant 261(20)
Mesenchymal Stem Cells: A Promising
Targeted-Delivery Vehicle in Cancer Gene
Yu-Lan Hu
Ying-Hua Fu
Yasuhiko Tabata
Jian-Qing Gao
12.1 Introduction 261(3)
12.2 Gene Recombination of MSCs 264(3)
12.2.1 Viral Vectors 265(1)
12.2.2 Nonviral Vectors 265(1)
12.2.3 Three-Dimensional and Reverse 266(1)
Transfection Systems
12.3 MSCs as a Promising 267(6)
Targeted-Delivery Vehicle in Cancer Gene
12.3.1 Rationale for Using MSCs as a 267(1)
Vehicle for Gene Delivery
12.3.2 Targeting of MSCs to Tumor Cells 268(3)
12.3.3 MSCs as Tumor Target Vehicles 271(2)
for Gene Delivery
12.4 Future Perspectives 273(8)
Acknowledgements 274(1)
References 275(6)
Chapter 13 Near-Critical Micellization for 281(20)
Nanomedicine: Enhanced Drug Loading,
Reduced Burst Release
Jade Green
Maciej Radosz
Youqing Shen
13.1 Introduction 281(1)
13.2 Early Feasibility Studies on Model 282(5)
13.3 Extension to PEG-b-PCL 287(3)
13.4 Optimizing the NCM Solvent 290(3)
13.5 Loading PEG-b-PCL with a Cancer Drug 293(2)
13.6 NCM: A Remedy for Burst Release? 295(4)
13.7 Conclusion and Future Research 299(2)
Acknowledgements 301(1)
References 301(1)
Subject Index 302