This book is part of a series on sustainability. Specifically, it deals with the issue of sustainable water use. Fresh sources of potable water are being depleted across the world. Pure water is the goal of water utilities as well as several industries. Well past the experimental stage, membrane processes are now a proven and reliable method of providing high-quality, cost-effective water. Membrane technologies have immediate applications to treatment of fresh, brackish and sea waters, as well as wastewater reclamation. With innovative module design and engineering, micro- and ultra-filtrations have become effective and economical for drinking water production, particularly for removal of microorganisms. Membrane bioreactors are being developed for municipal and industrial water recycling. Various membrane processes are also used to remove contaminants from industrial wastewaters. This book covers the fundamental and practical concepts and issues regarding the application of membrane technologies for sustainable water treatment. It describes and compares the effectiveness of desalination versus water recycling for long-term sustainable water use.
An Overview of the Global Water Situation Global Desalination Situation Global Water Recycling Situation Desalination - Reverse Osmosis and Membrane Distillation Salinity Gradient Energy Ion-Exchange Membrane Processes in Water Treatment Micropollutants in Water Recycling: A case study of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) exposure from water versus food TiO2-Based Advanced Oxidation Nanotechnologies for Water Purification and Reuse Membrane Bioreactors - Theory and Applications to Wastewater Reuse Concentrate Treatment for Inland Desalting Inland Desalination: Current Practices, Environmental Implications, and Case Studies in Las Vegas, NV Renewable Energy Powered Water Treatment Systems Desalinated Versus Recycled Water - What Does the Public Think? Conclusion - A Summary of Challenges still Facing Desalination and Water Reuse Index.