Biological Physics focuses on new results in molecular motors, self-assembly, and single-molecule manipulation that have revolutionized the field in recent years, and integrates these topics with classical results. The text also provides foundational material for the emerging field of nanotechnology. Biological Physics is built around a self-contained core geared toward undergraduate students who have had one year of calculus-based physics. Additional “Track-2” sections contain more advanced material for senior physics majors and graduate students.
Do you teach, or are you considering a course in Biological Physics?
If so, click here to read Phil Nelson's "To The Instructor":
Pt. I. Mysteries, metaphors, models. What the ancients knew ; What's inside cells --
Pt. II. Diffusion, dissipation, drive. The molecular dance ; Random walks, friction, and diffusion ; Life in the slow lane: the low Reynolds-number world ; Entropy, temperature, and free energy ; Entropic forces at work ; Chemical forces and self-assembly --
Pt. III. Molecules, machines, mechanisms. Cooperative transitions in macromolecules ; Enzymes and molecular machines ; Machines in membranes ; Nerve impulses ; Epilogue -- Appendix A. Global list of symbols and units -- Appendix B. Numerical values -- Appendix C. Additional problems.