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Bionanotechnology : global prospects (生物纳米技术)
发布日期:2008-12-10  浏览
Drug delivery by nanoparticulates and nanocoatings for medicial devices are among the many new techniques on the horizon. Years from now we may laugh at the approaches to treating disease we currently consider state of the art. To prepare for the future of medicine, biomedical engineers must have an understanding of the role of bionanotechnology.
As the impact and importance of nanotechnology continues to grow, nanomedicine and biotechnology have become areas of increased development. Drug delivery by nanoparticulates and nanocoatings for medicial devices are among the many new techniques on the horizon. Years from now we will laugh at the approaches to treating disease we currently consider state of the art. To prepare for the future of medicine, biomedical engineers must have a deeply rooted understanding of the role of bionanotechnology.
Ch. 1 Nanotechnology in Stem Cell Biology and Technology
Ch. 2 Lipid Membranes in Biomimetic Systems 
Ch. 3 Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Controlled Nanotopography
Ch. 4 Biological Applications of Optical Tags Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
Ch. 5 Nanostructured Titanium Alloys for Implant Applications
Ch. 6 Commercializing Bionanotechnology: From the Academic Lab to Products
Ch. 7 Opportunities for Bionanotechnology in Food and the Food Industry
Ch. 8 Engineering Nanostructured Thermal Spray Coatings for Biomedical Applications
Ch. 9 Nanophenomena at Work, for Color Management in Personal Care
Ch. 10 Proteoliposome as a Nanoparticle for Vaccine Adjuvants
Ch. 11 Australian BioNanotechnology for Delivery, Diagnostics, and Sensing
Ch. 12 Development of a BioChip for Cardiac Diagnostics
Ch. 13 Synthesis, PhysicoChemical Properties, and Biologic Activity of Nanosized Silver Particles Ch. 14 Nanocrystalline Silicon for Biomedical Intelligent Sensor Systems
Ch. 15 Wetting the Surface: From Self-Cleaning Leaves to Energy Storage Devices
Ch. 16 Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery for Malaria and Tuberculosis Treatment
Ch. 17 Nanophotonics for Biomedical Superresolved Imaging
Ch. 18 DNA as a Scaffold for Nanostructure Assembly
Ch. 19 Directed Evolution of Proteins for Device Applications
Ch. 20 Semiconductor Quantum Dots for Molecular and Cellular Imaging
Ch. 21 Bionanotechnology for Bioanalysis
Ch. 22 Nanohydroxyapatite for Biomedical Applications
Ch. 23 Nanotechnology Provides New Tools for Biomedical Optics
Ch. 24 Nanomaterials: Perspectives and Possibilities in Nanomedicine
Ch. 25 Biomedical Nanoengineering for Nanomedicine
Ch. 26 Physiogenomics: Integrating Systems Engineering and Nanotechnology for Personalized Medicine
Ch. 27 Patenting Inventions in Bionanotechnology: A Guide for Scientists and Lawyers


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