Ian F.Darwin编写的《Android Cookbook(影印版)》旨在促进Android开发者社区共享知识……为此贡献知识的作者们将使后来者更容易地进行Android开发。本书包含了 来自Android社区多达36位作者贡献的开发秘笈,是非常理想的参考读物。每一则案例都提供了清晰的解决方案和代码,你可以立即拿来用于手头的开发项 目。
Ian F.Darwin是一位软件开发者、技术顾问和具有30多年教学经验的计算机教师。他是《Checking C Programswith Lint and Java Coolbook》和《Java Cookbook》 (均系0'Reilly出版)的作者,此外还发表了数以百计关于Unix、C、Java、Mac、Python、Android与Web技术的文章和课 件。
1. Getting Started
2. Designing a SuccessfulApplication
3. Testing
4. Inter-/Intra-Process Communication
5. Content Providers
6. Graphics
7. Graphical User Interface
8. GUI Alerts: Menus, Dialogs, Toasts, and Notifications
9. GUI: ListView
10. Multimedia
11. Oata Persistence
12. Telephone Applications
13. Networked Applications
14. Gaming and Animation
15. Social Networking
16. Location and Map Applications
17. Accelerometer
18. Bluetooth
19. System and Device Control
20. Other Programming Languages and Frameworks
21. Strings and Internationalization
22. Packaging, Deploying, and Distributing/Selling Your App