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Selected scientific works of Hans Christian Ørsted
发布日期:2016-05-03  浏览


[Table of Contents]

Preface: Karen Jelved and Andrew D. Jackson ix Introduction: Andrew D. Wilson xv 1 Response to the Prize Question in Medicine Set by the University of Copenhagen in the Year 1797: On the Origin and Use of Amniotic Fluid (1798) 3 2 Letters on Chemistry. First Letter (1798) 26 3 Letters on Chemistry. Second Letter, on Heat (1798) 29 4 Letters on Chemistry. Third Letter (1799) 35 5 Letters on Chemistry. Fourth Letter (1799) 41 6 Fundamentals of the Metaphysics of Nature, Partly According to a New Plan (1799) 46 7 Dissertation on the Structure of the Elementary Metaphysics of External Nature (1799) 79 8 Experiments and Observations Concerning Galvanic Electricity (1801)101 9 An Addendum by Dr. Orsted to His Remarks on Galvanism (1801) 104 10 Continued Experiments on Galvanism (1801) 106 11 A Review of the Latest Advances in Physics (1803) 107 12 Materials for a Chemistry of the Nineteenth Century (1803) 120 13 Correspondence (1804) 166 14 Galvano-Chernical Observations (1804) 168 15 Criticism of the So-CalledEudiometry with Regard to Medicine (1805) 170 16 A Letter from Dr. Orsted of Copenhagen to Mr. J. W. Ritter of Jena, Concerning Chladni's Acoustic Figures in an Electrical Context (1805) 180 17 A Letter from Mr. Orsted, Professor of Philosophy in Copenhagen, to Professor Pictet on Acoustic Vibrations (1805) 181 18 On the Harmony Between Electrical Figures and Organic Forms (1805) 185 19 New Investigations into the Question: What Is Chemistry? (1805) 192 20 An Attempt towards a New Theory of Spontaneous Combustion (1805) 200 21 On the Manner in Which Electricity Is Transmitted (A Fragment) (1806) 210 22 Correspondence (1806) 215 23 Experiments Prompted by Some Passages in Winterl's Writings (1806) 218 24 The Series of Acids and Bases (1806) 227 25 Reflections on the History of Chemistry, A Lecture (1807) 243 26 On Acoustic Figures (1807) 261 27 Orsted on Simon's (Volta's) New Law for Electrical Atmospheric Effects (1808) 263 28 Experiments on Acoustic Figures (1810) 264 29 First Introduction to General Physics (1811) 282 30 View of the Chemical Laws of Nature Obtained Through Recent Discoveries (1812) 310 31 On the Law of Electrical Attraction (1814) 393 32 Proposal for New Danish Terms in Chemistry (1814) The Law for the Weakening of Electrical Effects with Distance (1815) 394 33 Theory of Light (1816) 397 34 On Galvanic Trough Apparatuses and Spark Discharge in Mercury Vapour (1816) 400 35 Observations Regarding Contact Electricity (1817) 402 36 On the Compression of Water (1817) 407 37 On the Way in Which a Textbook in Physics Ought to Be Written (1817); Investigations on the Compressibility of Water (1818) 408 38 On Piperine, a New Plant Alkaloid (1820) 411 39 Experiments on the Effect of the Electric Conflict on the Magnetic Needle (July 21, 1820) 413 39a Experiments on the Effect of a Current of Electricity on the Magnetic Needle (1820) 417 40 New Electro-Magnetic Experiments (1820) 421 41 Note on the Discovery of Electromagnetism (1821) 425 42 Observations on Electro-magnetism (1821) 430 43 Correspondence (1821) 446 44 An Experiment on Zamboni's Double Galvanic Circuit (1821) 450 45 A Method to Facilitate the Generation of Steam (1822) 452 46 The Orsted Experiment on the Compression of Water (1822) 453 47 On the Compressibility of Water (1823) 457 48 New Experiments by Dr. Seebeck on Electromagnetic Effects (1823) 462 49 An Electromagnetic Experiment (1823) 464 50 On M. Schweigger's Electromagnetic Multiplier, with an Account of Some Experiments made with it (1823) 466 51 On Some New Thermoelectric Experiments Performed by Baron Fourier and M. Orsted (1823) 470 52 On an Apparent Paradoxical Galvanic Experiment (1824) 478 53 Experiments Proving That Mariotte's Law Is Applicable to All Kinds of Gases; and at All Degrees of Pressure under Which the Gases Retain Their Aeriform State (1825) 481 54 Preliminary Note on the Production of Aluminium, Aluminium. Chloride, and Silicon Chloride (1825) 492 55 Contribution to the Determination of the Law of the Compression of Bodies (1826) 493 56 [Improvements of the Compression Apparatus 1826. Measurement of the Compressibility of Mercury] (1827) 518 57 On the Relative Compressibilities of different Fluids at High Temperatures (1827) 526 58 An Electromagnetic Method for the Assay of Silver and Other Metals Invented by M. Orsted (1828) 528 59 Observations Concerning the Compressibility of Fluids (1828) 535 60 On the Compression of Water in Vessels of Varying Compressibility (1828) 537 61 A New Electromagnetic Experiment Disproving Ampere's Theory (1830); Remarks on the Relation Between Sound, Light, Heat, and Electricity (1830) 539 62 Thermo-Electricity (1830) 542 63 An Explanation of Faraday's Magneto-Electric Discovery (1832) 581 64 Results of New Experiments on the Compressibility of Water (1834) 583 65 On the Compressibility of Water (1834) 586 66 New Experiments on the Effect of the Electrical Circuit (1835) 593 67 On a New Electrometer (1841) 595 68 A New Device for the Measurement of Capillarity (1841) 597 69 An Investigation of Light with Regard to the Physics of Beauty (1842) 599 70 Continued Reflections on Light with Regard to the Physics of Beauty (1843) 601 71 Development of the Theory of Lustre (1843) 603 72 An Account of Experiments on the Heat Generated by the Compression of Water (1845) 607 73 Letter, on the Deviation of Falling Bodies from the Perpendicular, to Sir John Herschel, Bart. (1847) 610 74 On the Changes which Mercury sometimes suffers in Glass Vessels hermetically Sealed (1847) 613 75 On Faraday's Diamagnetic Experiments (1847) 614 76 Experiments on the Carrying Capacity of the Large Electromagnet of the Polytechnic School (1847) 616 77 Abstract of a Series of Experiments on Diamagnetism (1848) 619 78 Investigations on Diamagnetism (1848) 626 79 Further Investigations on Diamagnetism and Their Results (1849) 632 Subject Index 639 Name Index 643


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