内容提要 :
目录 :
Introduction and Overview
1 Topology and Geometry in Physics
2 An Otuline of the Book
3 Complementary Literature
Topological Concepts in Gauge Theories
1 Introduction
2 Nielsen-Olesen Vortex
3 Homotopy
4 Yang-Mills Theory
5 't Hooft-Polyakov Monpoloe
6 Quantization of Yang-Mills Theory
7 Instantons
8 Center Symmetry and Confinement
9 QCD in Axial Gauge
10 Conclusions
Aspects of BRST Quantization
1 Symmetries and Constraints
2 Canonical BRST Construction
3 Action Formalism
4 Applications of BRST Methods
Chiral Anomalies and Topology
1 Symmetries Regularization Anomalies
2 Momentum Cut-Off Regularization
3 Other Regularization Schemes
4 The Abelian Anomaly
5 Instantons Anomalies and θ-Vacua
6 Non-Abelian Anomaly
7 Lattice Fermions:Ginsparg-Wilson Relation
8 Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Domain Wall Fermions
Appendix A.Trace Formula for Periodic Potentials
Appendix B.Resolvent of the Hamiltonian in Supersymmetric QM
Supersymmetric Solitons and Topology
1 Introduction
2 D=1+1;N=1
3 Domain Walls in(3+1)-Dimensional Theories
4 Extended Supersymmetry in Two Dimensions:The Supersymmetric CP(1)Model
5 Conclusions
Appendix A.CP(1)Model+O(3)Model(N=1Superfields N)
Appendix B.Getting Started (Supersymmetry for Beginners)
Forces from Connes Geometry
1 Introdution
2 Gravity from Riemannian Geometry
3 Slot Machines and the Standard Model
4 Connes Noncommutative Geometry
5 The Spectral Action
6 Connes Do-It-Yourself Kit
7 Outlook and Conclusion