Bioscience Methodologies in Physical Chemistry: An Engineering and Molecular Approach
[Book Description]
The field of bioscience methodologies in physical chemistry stands at the intersection of the power and generality of classical and quantum physics with the minute molecular complexity of chemistry and biology. This book provides an application of physical principles in explaining and rationalizing chemical and biological phenomena. It does not stick to the classical topics that are conventionally considered as part of physical chemistry; instead it presents principles deciphered from a modern point of view, which is the strength of this book.
[Table of Contents]
List of Contributors xi
List of Abbreviations xvii
List of Symbols xix
Preface xxi
1 The Selective Alkylarens Oxidatiorts with 1 (54)
Dioxygen in the Presence of Catalytical Systems
L.I. Matienko
L.A. Mosolova
A. D'Amore
G.E. Zaikov
2 Kinetics and Mechanism Toluene and Cumene 55 (24)
Oxidation by Dioxygen With Nickel (II) Complexes
L.I. Matienko
L.A. Mosolova
A. D'Amore
G.E. Zaikov
3 Polymer-Based Solar Cells 79 (32)
A. D'Amore
V. Mottaghitalab
A.K. Haghi
4 Formation of Metal Organic Frameworks 111 (18)
Alberto D'Amore
A.K. Haghi
5 Quantum and Wave Characteristics of 129 (16)
Spatial-Energy Interactions
G.A. Korablev
G.E. Zaikov
6 Fractal Analysis in Polycondensation Process 145 (18)
G.V. Kozlov
G.B. Shustov
G.E. Zaikov
E.M. Pearce
G. Kirshenbaum
7 Selection of Medical Preparations for 163 (8)
Treating Lower Parts of the Urinary System
Z.G. Kozlova
8 Improvement of the Functional Properties of 171 (12)
lysozyme by Interaction With 5-Methylresorcinol
E.I. Martirosova
I.G. Plashchina
9 Introductions in Culture in vitro Rare 183 (12)
Bulbous Plants of the Sochi Black Sea Coast
(Scilla, Muscari, Galanthus)
A.O. Matskiv
A.A. Rybalko
A.E. Rybalko
10 Effect of Cobalt Content on the Corrosion 195 (10)
Resistance in Acid, Alkaline and Ringer
Solution of Fe-Co-Zr-Mo-W-B Metallic Glasses
D. Klimecka-Tatar
G. Pawlowska
R. Orlicki
G.E. Zaikov
11 The Methods of the Study the Processes of 205 (12)
the Issue to Optical Information Biological
U.A. Pleshkova
A.M. Likhter
12 The Effect of Free Radical Oxidation on 217 (24)
Structure and Function of Plasma
Fibrin-Stabilizing Factor
M.A. Rosenfeld
A.V. Bychkova
A.N. Shegolihin
V.B. Leonova
M.I. Biryukova
E.A. Kostanova
S.D. Razumovskii
M.L. Konstantinova
13 Functioning Similarity of Physicochemical 241 (10)
Regulatory System of the Lipid Peroxidation on
the Membrane and Organ Levels
L.N. Shishkina
M.A. Klimovich
M.V. Kozlov
14 Investigation of Tensile Strength of Three 251 (8)
New Soft Silicone Elastomers and Comparison
With Results of Previously Tested Material
W. Wigciciewicz
R. Orlicki
G.E. Zaikov
15 Analysis of the Influence of the Earth's 259 (14)
Electromagnetic Radiation on Water by
Electrochemical Method
A.A. Artamonov
V.M. Misin
V.V. Tsetlin
16 Formation of Glycoside Bonds Mechanism of 273 (10)
J.A. Djamanbaev
A. D'Amore
G.E. Zaikov
17 New Additives for Burning of the Fuels 283 (20)
E. Gigineishvili
L. Asatiani
N. Lekishvili
A. D'Amore
G.E. Zaikov
18 The Changes of Dynamic Lipid Structure of 303 (12)
Membranes Upon the Effect of Oxazoles In Vitro
E.L. Maltseva
V.V. Belov
N.P. Palmina
19 Magnetic Nanoparticles 315 (20)
A.V. Bychkova
M.A. Rosenfeld
V.B. Leonova
O.N. Sorokina
A.L. Kovarski
20 Heat Resistance of Copolymers of Vinyl 335 (8)
Acetate as a Component of Biodegradable
E.V. Belova
P.V. Pantyukhov
V.S. Litvishko
21 Degradation and Stabilization of 343 (16)
Polyvinylchloride, Kinetics and Mechanism
G.E. Zaikov
M.I. Artsis
L.A. Zimina
A. D'Amore
22 The Influence of UV and Visible Laser 359 (10)
Radiation on Layered Organic-Inorganic
Nanocomposites Zinc and Copper
V.T. Karpukhin
M.M. Malikov
T.I. Borodina
G.E. Valyano
O.A. Gololobova
D.A. Strikanov
23 Modeling and Optimization of the Design 369 (10)
Parameters Scrubber
R.R. Usmanova
G.E. Zaikov
24 Evaluation of Biocompatibility and 379 (16)
Antibacterial Properties of
Polysulphone/Nanosilver Composites
M. ZiAbka
A. Mertas
W. Kr?ll
J. ChLopek
R. Orlicki
25 The Technique of Harvesting the Cancellous 395 (14)
Bone from Proximal Tibia for Different
Applications in Maxillofacial Surgery
P. Malara
26 Experimental Adhesive Biomaterial in the 409 (22)
Development of Restorative Concept Towards the
Biomimicric Dentistry
T. Kupka
R. Orlicki
G.E. Zaikov
27 Microstructure of Dental Casting Alloy 431 (8)
Ni-Cr-Mo (Rodent)
A. Korneva
I. Orlicka
K. Sztwiertnia
G.E. Zaikov
28 Developing the Scientific Basis for the 439 (10)
Rational Designing Devices Gas Purification
R.R. Usmanova
G.E. Zaikov
29 Synthesis of Bioinorganic Polymers 449 (12)
V. Kablov
D. Kondrutsky
A. D'Amore
O. Zineeva
30 Generation of Stable Macroradicals in Lignin 461 (12)
on Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide
E. Ya. Davydov
I.S. Gaponova
A. D'Amore
S.M. Lomakin
G.B. Pariiskii
T.V. Pokholok
G.E. Zaikov
Index 473