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Visual statistics : seeing data with dynamic interactive graphics
发布日期:2014-04-04  浏览

Visual Statistics brings the most complex and advanced statistical methods within reach of those with little statistical training by using animated graphics of the data. Using ViSta: The Visual Statistics System - developed by Forrest Young and Pedro Valero-Mora and available free of charge on the Internet - students can easily create fully interactive visualizations from relevant mathematical statistics, promoting perceptual and cognitive understanding of the data's story. An emphasis is placed on a paradigm for understanding data that is visual, intuitive, geometric, and active, rather than one that relies on convoluted logic, heavy mathematics, systems of algebraic equations, or passive acceptance of results.

1 Introduction 3
2 Examples 45
3 Interfaces and environments 73
4 Tools and techniques 119
5 Seeing frequency data 145
6 Seeing univariate data 181
7 Seeing bivariate data 215
8 Seeing multivariate data 263
9 Seeing missing values 309


版权所有:西安交通大学图书馆      设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心  
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