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Juvenile Justice : An Introduction
发布日期:2015-12-31  浏览

Juvenile Justice : An Introduction

[Book Description]

Juvenile Justice: An Introduction is a student-friendly analysis of all aspects of the juvenile justice system. The book covers the history and development of the juvenile justice system and the unique issues related to juveniles, including police interaction, court processes, due process, movements toward diversion and deinstitutionalization, and community intervention. This book also examines particular issues within juvenile justice, such as female delinquency, gang delinquency, and the use of the death penalty and Life Without Parole with juveniles. Evidence-based suggestions for successful interventions and treatment are included, with a focus on performing cost-benefit analyses of what works versus what is ineffective with juveniles. The book concludes with a look to the future of the juvenile court, including the real possibility of abolition .

[Table of Contents]
Foreword                                           xi
    Chapter 1 Introduction---The Definition and    1  (24)
    Extent of Delinquency
      Introduction                                 1  (1)
      Defining Delinquency                         2  (3)
      Defining a Juvenile                          5  (1)
      The Extent of Delinquency                    6  (17)
      Summary                                      23 (2)
    Chapter 2 The History of Juvenile Justice      25 (22)
      Introduction                                 25 (1)
      Property and Person                          26 (3)
      The Rise of Juvenile Institutions            29 (4)
      The Establishment of the Juvenile Court      33 (6)
      Benevolence or Self-Interest?                39 (3)
      Juvenile Justice from 1920 to the 1960s      42 (1)
      Changes Since the 1960s                      42 (1)
      Summary                                      43 (4)
    Chapter 3 Explaining                           47 (26)
    Delinquency---Biological and Psychological
      Introduction                                 48 (1)
      Theoretical Schools of Thought               48 (4)
      Biological and Sociobiological Theories      52 (10)
      Psychological Explanations                   62 (10)
      Summary                                      72 (1)
    Chapter 4 Sociological Explanations of         73 (22)
      Introduction                                 74 (1)
      The Ecological Perspective                   75 (2)
      Learning Theory                              77 (2)
      Subcultural Theories                         79 (4)
      Routine Activities and Rational Choice       83 (1)
      Strain Theories                              84 (3)
      Social Control Theory                        87 (3)
      The Labeling Perspective                     90 (2)
      The Integration and Elaboration of           92 (1)
      The Impact of Theories on Juvenile Justice   93 (1)
      Summary                                      94 (1)
    Chapter 5 Gang Delinquency                     95 (34)
      Introduction                                 96 (1)
      Gangs Defined                                97 (3)
      Early Gang Research                          100(2)
      The Extent of Gang Membership                102(4)
      Characteristics of Gangs                     106(5)
      Why Do Youths Join Gangs?                    111(2)
      Gang Behavior                                113(7)
      Intervention with Gangs                      120(7)
      Summary                                      127(2)
    Chapter 6 Drugs and Delinquency                129(30)
      Introduction                                 130(1)
      Gauging the Extent of Drug Use               130(7)
      The Drugs-Delinquency Connection             137(2)
      Research on the Drugs-Delinquency            139(2)
      Interventions                                141(1)
      Treatment Approaches                         142(4)
      Prevention Approaches                        146(6)
      Alternative Responses to Drug Use            152(5)
      Summary: The Response of the Juvenile        157(2)
      Justice System
    Chapter 7 Policing and Juveniles               159(32)
      Introduction                                 160(1)
      Statistics on Police Work with Juveniles     160(1)
      Professional Policing and Juveniles          161(8)
      Community or Problem-Solving Policing        169(3)
      Citizen Attitudes Toward Police              172(5)
      Recent Issues in Policing Concerning         177(10)
      Police Effectiveness with Juvenile Crime     187(1)
      Summary                                      188(3)
    Chapter 8 The Juvenile Court Process           191(40)
      Introduction                                 192(2)
      Detention                                    194(6)
      Detention Alternatives                       200(1)
      The Intake Decision                          201(8)
      Processing Juveniles in Adult Criminal       209(6)
      Adjudication and Disposition                 215(13)
      Summary                                      228(3)
    Chapter 9 Due Process and Juveniles            231(32)
      Introduction                                 231(1)
      The Landmark Supreme Court Cases             232(4)
      Additional Supreme Court Rulings             236(4)
      Search and Seizure                           240(1)
      Rights in School                             241(13)
      Rights at Home and in the Community          254(6)
      Summary                                      260(3)
    Chapter 10 Institutional/Residential           263(26)
      Introduction                                 264(1)
      Institutional Corrections for Juveniles      264(1)
      State Training Schools                       265(7)
      Program Effectiveness                        272(2)
      Institutional Life                           274(9)
      New Directions in Institutional              283(4)
      Summary                                      287(2)
    Chapter 11 Juvenile Probation and Community
      Corrections                                  289(1)
      Introduction                                 289(1)
      Probation                                    290(3)
      Aftercare                                    293(1)
      Supervision and Counseling                   293(2)
      Current Trends in Community Supervision      295(9)
      Effectiveness of Juvenile Probation and      304(2)
      Related Sanctions
      Effective and Ineffective Treatment          306(6)
      Interventions with Offenders
      Continuing Concerns in Community             312(4)
      Summary                                      316(3)
    Chapter 12 Restorative Justice                 319(26)
      Introduction                                 320(1)
      Background of Restorative Justice            320(7)
      Types of Restorative Justice                 327(9)
      The Impact of Restorative Justice            336(7)
      Summary                                      343(2)
    Chapter 13 The Victimization of Juveniles      345(20)
      Introduction                                 345(1)
      The Extent of Victimization                  346(7)
      Explaining Juvenile Victimization            353(2)
      Responses to Victimization                   355(3)
      The Role of Formal Social Control Agencies   358(6)
      Summary: The Need to Recognize the Victim    364(1)
    Chapter 14 Future Directions in Juvenile       365(40)
      Introduction                                 365(1)
      Proposals for Reforming Juvenile Court       366(12)
      Broader Issues                               378(13)
      Capital Punishment for Juveniles             391(4)
      Life Without Parole for Juveniles            395(3)
      Jurisdiction over Status Offenses            398(3)
      Conclusion                                   401(4)
Bibliography                                       405(42)
Glossary                                           447(14)
Index                                              461


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