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Educational psychology (教育心理学)
发布日期:2007-11-27  浏览
Book Description
Written by the author of highly effective psychology texts relied upon by thousands of teachers and students, this text shows future teachers how to put theory into practice. It reflects the voices of today’s teachers and students, and includes numerous case studies to help pre-service teachers understand how to apply educational psychology.
The Classroom Update enriches Educational Psychology with a wealth of new applied resources: a video library for students that includes "Expert Advice" interviews with experts in the field; "Video Lectures" expanding content covered in the text; "Video Observations" showing K-12 classrooms; and "Teaching Experience" interviews with K-12 teachers. Also new to the update are specific strategies offered by K-12 teachers, "Theory into Practice" modules that allow students to study and apply key theories, and "Enter the Debate" questions regarding controversial, thought-provoking issues. A PRAXIS™ II (Principles of Learning and Teaching) study guide is now available as a print supplement or in electronic form on the Student Toolbox CD-ROM.

Table Of Contents


          Educational Psychology: A Tool for Effective Teaching

               Exploring Educational Psychology

                    Historical Background

                    Teaching: Art and Science

               Effective Teaching

                    Professional Knowledge and Skills

                    Commitment and Motivation

                    Self-Assessment 1.1 The Best and Worst Characteristics of My Teachers

               Research in Educational Psychology

                    Why Research Is Important

                    The Scientific Research Approach

                    Research Methods

                    Program Evaluation Research, Action Research, and the Teacher-as-Researcher

                    Research Challenges

                    Crack the Case The Curriculum Decision

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Cognitive and Language Development

               An Overview of Child Development

                    Why Studying Development Is Important

                    Processes and Periods

               Cognitive Development

                    The Brain

                    Piaget's Theory

                    Vygotsky's Theory

                    Self-Assessment 2.1 Applying Piaget and Vygotsky in My Classroom

               Language Development

                    What Is Language?

                    Biological and Environmental Influences

                    How Language Develops

                    Crack the Case The Book Report

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Social Contexts and Socioemotional Development

               Contemporary Theories

                    Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory

                    Erikson's Life-Span Development Theory

               Social Contexts of Development




               Socioemotional Development

                    The Self

                    Moral Development

                    Self-Assessment 3.1 Where Are You Now? Exploring Your Identity

                    Crack the Case The Fight

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Individual Variations


                    Individual Intelligence Tests

                    Individual Tests Versus Group Tests

                    Theories of Multiple Intelligences

                    Self-Assessment 4.1 Evaluating Myself on Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence

                    Controversies and Issues in Intelligence

               Learning and Thinking Styles

                    Dichotomies of Learning and Thinking Styles

                    Evaluating Learning and Thinking Styles

               Personality and Temperament



                    Crack the Case The Workshops

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Sociocultural Diversity

               Culture and Ethnicity


                    Socioeconomic Status


                    Language Issues

               Multicultural Education

                    Empowering Students

                    Culturally Relevant Teaching

                    Issues-Centered Education

                    Improving Relationships Among Children from Different Ethnic Groups

                    The Issue of Whether a Core of ``White'' Values Should Be Taught


                    Views on Gender Development

                    Gender Stereotyping, Similarities, and Differences

                    Gender-Role Classification

                    Self-Assessment 5.1 What Gender-Role Orientation Will I Present to My Students?

                    Gender in Context

                    Eliminating Gender Bias

                    Crack the Case These Boys

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Learners Who Are Exceptional

               Who Are Children with Disabilities?

                    Sensory Disorders

                    Physical Disorders

                    Mental Retardation

                    Speech and Language Disorders

                    Learning Disabilities

                    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

                    Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

                    Self-Assessment 6.1 Evaluating My Experiences with People Who Have Various Disabilities and Disorders

               Educational Issues Involving Children with Disabilities

                    Legal Aspects

                    Placements and Services

                    Parents as Educational Partners


               Children Who Are Gifted


                    The Classic Terman Studies

                    Educating Children Who Are Gifted

                    Crack the Case Now What?

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Behavioral and Social Cognitive Approaches

               What Is Learning?

                    What Learning Is and Is Not

                    Approaches to Learning

               Behavioral Approaches to Learning

                    Classical Conditioning

                    Operant Conditioning

               Applied Behavior Analysis in Education

                    What Is Applied Behavior Analysis?

                    Increasing Desirable Behaviors

                    Decreasing Undesirable Behaviors

                    Evaluating Operant Conditioning and Applied Behavior Analysis

               Social Cognitive Approaches to Learning

                    Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory

                    Observational Learning

                    Self-Assessment 7.1 Models and Mentors in My Life and My Students' Lives

                    Cognitive Behavior Approaches and Self-Regulation

                    Self-Assessment 7.2 Self-Monitoring

                    Evaluating the Social Cognitive Approaches

                    Crack the Case Consequences

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          The Information-Processing Approach

               The Nature of the Information-Processing Approach

                    Information, Memory, and Thinking

                    Siegler's View


                    What Is Memory?



                    Retrieval and Forgetting


                    Expertise and Learning

                    Acquiring Expertise

                    Self-Assessment 8.1 How Effective Are My Memory and Study Strategies?

                    Expertise and Teaching


                    Developmental Changes

                    The Good Information-Processing Model

                    Strategies and Metacognitive Regulation

                    Crack the Case The Test

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Complex Cognitive Processes

               Conceptual Understanding

                    What Are Concepts?

                    Promoting Concept Formation


                    What Is Thinking?


                    Critical Thinking

                    Decision Making

                    Creative Thinking

                    Self-Assessment 9.1 How Good Am I at Thinking Creatively?

               Problem Solving

                    Steps in Problem Solving

                    Obstacles to Solving Problems

                    Problem-Based Learning

                    Self-Assessment 9.2 How Effective Are My Thinking and Problem-Solving Strategies?


                    What Is Transfer?

                    Types of Transfer

                    Crack the Case The Statistics Test

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Social Constructivist Approaches

               Social Constructivist Approaches to Teaching

                    Social Constructivism in the Broader Constructivist Context

                    Situated Cognition

               Teachers and Peers as Joint Contributors to Students' Learning


                    Cognitive Apprenticeship


                    Cooperative Learning

               Structuring Small-Group Work

                    Composing the Group

                    Team-Building Skills

                    Structuring Group Interaction

                    Self-Assessment 10.1 Evaluating My Social Constructivist Experiences

               Social Constructivist Programs

                    Fostering a Community of Learners

                    Schools for Thought

                    A Collaborative School

                    Crack the Case The Constructivist Classroom

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Learning and Cognition in the Content Areas

               Expert Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge


                    A Developmental Model of Reading

                    Approaches to Reading

                    Cognitive Approaches

                    Social Constructivist Approaches


                    Developmental Changes

                    Cognitive Approaches

                    Social Constructivist Approaches

                    Self-Assessment 11.1 Evaluating My Reading and Writing Experiences


                    Developmental Changes

                    Controversy in Math Education

                    Some Constructivist Principles

                    Technology and Math Instruction

                    Connecting with Parents


                    Scientific Thinking

                    Science Education

                    Constructivist Teaching Strategies

               Social Studies

                    What Is Social Studies?

                    Constructivist Approaches

                    Crack the Case The Constructivist Math Curriculum

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Planning, Instruction, and Technology


                    Instructional Planning

                    Time Frames and Planning

               Teacher-Centered Lesson Planning and Instruction

                    Teacher-Centered Lesson Planning

                    Direct Instruction

                    Teacher-Centered Instructional Strategies

                    Evaluating Teacher-Centered Instruction

               Lesson-Centered Lesson Planning and Instruction

                    Learner-Centered Principles

                    Some Learner-Centered Instructional Strategies

                    Evaluating Learner-Centered Instruction

               Technology and Education

                    The Technology Revolution

                    The Internet

                    Technology and Sociocultural Diversity

                    Standards for Technology-Literate Students

                    The Future of Technology in Schools

                    Self-Assessment 12.1 Evaluating My Technology Skills and Attitudes

                    Crack the Case The Big Debate

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Motivation, Teaching, and Learning

               Exploring Motivation

                    What Is Motivation?

                    Perspectives on Motivation

               Motivation to Achieve

                    Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

                    Other Cognitive Processes

                    Anxiety and Achievement

                    Teacher Expectations

               Motivation, Relationships, and Sociocultural Contexts

                    Social Motives

                    Social Relationships

                    Sociocultural Contexts

               Hard-to-Reach, Low-Achieving Students

                    Discouraged Students

                    Uninterested or Alienated Students

                    Self-Assessment 13.1 Evaluating My Motivation

                    Crack the Case The Reading Incentive Program

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Managing the Classroom

               Why Classrooms Need to Be Managed Effectively

                    Management Issues in Elementary and Secondary School Classrooms

                    The Crowded, Complex, and Potentially Chaotic Classroom

                    Getting Off to the Right Start

                    Emphasizing Instruction and a Positive Classroom Climate

                    Management Goals and Strategies

               Designing the Physical Environment of the Classroom

                    Principles of Classroom Arrangement

                    Arrangement Style

               Creating a Postive Environment for Learning

                    General Strategies

                    Creating, Teaching, and Maintaining Rules and Procedures

                    Getting Students to Cooperate

               Being a Good Communicator

                    Speaking Skills

                    Listening Skills

                    Nonverbal Communication

                    Self-Assessment 14.1 Evaluating My Communication Skills

               Dealing with Problem Behaviors

                    Management Strategies

                    Dealing with Aggression

                    Classroom and School-Based Programs

                    Crack the Case The Chatty Student

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Standardized Tests and Teaching

               The Nature of Standardized Tests

                    What Is a Standardized Test?

                    The Purposes of Standardized Tests

                    Criteria for Evaluating Standardized Tests

               Aptitude and Achievement Tests

                    Comparing Aptitude and Achievement Tests

                    Types of Standardized Achievement Tests

                    High-Stakes State-Mandated Tests

                    District and National Tests

               The Teacher's Roles

                    Preparing Students to Take Standardized Tests

                    Administering Standardized Tests

                    Understanding and Interpreting Test Results

                    Self-Assessment 15.1 Evaluating My Knowledge of and Skills in Computing Measures of Central Tendency and Variability

                    Using Standardized Test Scores to Plan and Improve Instruction

               Issues in Standardized Testing

                    Standardized Tests, Alternative Assessments, and High-Stakes Testing

                    Diversity and Standardized Testing

                    Crack the Case Standardized Tests

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed

          Classroom Assessment

               The Classroom as an Assessment Context

                    Assessment as an Integral Part of Teaching

                    Making Assessment Compatible with Contemporary Views of Learning and Motivation

                    Creating Clear, Appropriate Learning Targets

                    Establishing High-Quality Assessments

                    Current Trends

               Traditional Tests

                    Selected-Response Items

                    Constructed-Response Items

               Alternative Assessments

                    Trends in Alternative Assessment

                    Performance-Based Assessment

                    Portfolio Assessment

               Grading and Reporting Performance

                    The Purposes of Grading

                    Self-Assessment 16.1 Planning My Classroom Assessment Philosophy

                    The Components of a Grading System

                    Reporting Students' Progress and Grades to Parents

                    Some Issues in Grading

               Computers and Assessment

                    Using Computers for Assessment

                    Constructing, Printing, Administering, and Scoring Tests

                    Electronic Portfolios

                    Record Keeping

                    Web-Based Assessment

                    Crack the Case The Project

               Reach Your Learning Goals

               Key Terms

               Portfolio Activities

               Taking It to the Net

               Study, Practice, and Succeed




Name Index

Subject Index


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