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Managing complex systems(复杂系统的管理:跳出框框去思考)
发布日期:2006-08-29  浏览
This book consists of nine innovative methods to think outside the box and solve complex system problems. "Managing Complex Systems" provides specific tools and guidance needed to be a more creative and innovative thinker. Following the author's methodology, the reader will be better able to devise and implement nontraditional solutions to seemingly intractable complex problems. By challenging the reader to think in new and creative ways, the book offers a road map to success, whether measured in terms of competitive advantage, greater market share, improved productivity, or higher profits, all based upon better solutions to difficult problems. The first four chapters set the foundation for creative thinking by exploring the nature of large-scale systems and complexity, thinking inside and outside the box, and examples of how an inventive mind solves problems in both management and scientific domains.
1. Systems and Thinking.
2. Building and Managing Systems.
3. Problems to Ponder.
4. The Inventive Mind.
5. Perspective 1: Broaden and Generalize.
6. Perspective 2: Crossover.
7. Perspective 3: Question Conventional Wisdom.
8. Perspective 4: Back of the Envelope.
9. Perspective 5: Expanding the Dimensions.
10. Perspective 6: Obversity.
11. Perspective 7: Remove Constraints.
12. Perspective 8: Thinking with Pictures.
13. Perspective 9: The Systems Approach.
14. Thinking in Groups.
15. Widening the Circle.
16. Final Thoughts and a Test. Index.


版权所有:西安交通大学图书馆      设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心  
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