From Malthus' Stagnation to Sustained Growth: Social, Demographic and Economic Factors
In recent years it has become apparent that the pattern of population growth is consistent with the predictions of the Malthusian model. Studies on the pre-industrial epoch in a wide range of countries show positive income elasticities of mortality and a strong positive correlation between real wages and marriage rates. Negative shocks to population, such as the Black Death, were reflected in higher real wages and faster population growth. Moreover, the prediction of the Malthusian model that differences in technology should be reflected in population density, but not in standards of living, is also borne out. However, the empirical implications of the Malthusian model are more complex than simply a tendency of real wage to revert to its long-run equilibrium level together with slow population growth. Many factors have impinged on the fertility and mortality rates. A most striking feature of the preindustrial epoch is the simultaneous effect of contradictory forces. This volume studies these forces pushing towards both growth and poverty, and evaluates the utility of the Malthusian model as a tool for understanding demographic dynamics today.
Demographic Dynamics and Economic Changes 1 (4)
in Europe before the 19th Century:
Interpretive Schemes
Bruno Chiarini
Paolo Malanima
Unified Growth Theory and Comparative 5 (13)
Oded Galor
Population Dynamics, Malthusian Crises and 18 (34)
Boserupian Innovation in Pre-Industrial
Societies: The Case Study of Northern Italy
(ca.1450-1800) in the Light of Lee's
"Dynamic Synthesis"
Guido Alfani
Energy and Economic Growth in Europe: The 52 (19)
Last Two Centuries
Silvana Bartoletto
The Path Towards the Modern Economy: The 71 (29)
Role of Energy
Paolo Malanima
Accounting for Child Mortality in the 100(18)
Pre-Industrial European Economy
Bruno Chiarini
Massimo Giannini
A Basic Model of Take-Off and Fertility 118(24)
Choices in the Economic Development Process
Edgardo Bucciarelli
Gianfranco Giulioni
Population, Earth Carrying Capacity and 142(18)
Economic Growth
Giovanni Scarano
The Post-Malthusian Moment: Some Responses 160(19)
to Population Explosion in Britain c.1840
Patrice Bouche
Index 179