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发布日期:2016-06-22  浏览






Chapter 1 Introducing Clause 
1.1 Introduction 
1.2 Clause, Major Clause, and Minor Clause 
1.2.1 What is a clause? 
1.2.2 What is a proposition clause and what is a proposal clause? 
1.2.3 Why is the rank of clause the central unit in lexicogrammar? 
1.2.4 What is a major clause and what is a minor clause? 
Chapter 2 Speech Role, Speech Function and MOOD Systems 
2.1 What Does "Exchange" Mean? 
2.1.1 How to understand that exchange is interpersonal? 
2.2 What Is Speech Role? 
2.3 What Is Speech Function? 
2.4 MOOD Systems, Mood Types, Interpersonal Elements 
2.4.1 Systems of MOOD and Mood types 
2.4.2 How is each of the Mood types structured? 
Chapter 3 How Are Interpersonal Meaninqs Conveyed in FG 
3.1 Interpersonal Meaning 
3.2 How Do Mood Types Convey Interpersonal Meanings? 
3.2.1 Declarative Mood 
3.2.2 Interrogative Mood 
3.2.3 Imperative Mood 
3.2.4 Exclamatives 
3.3 How Do Polarity and Modality Convey Interpersonal Meanings? 
3.3.1 Interpersonal metaphor and interpersonal meaning 
3.4 Interpersonal Metafunction: Analysis 
Chapter 4 Ideational Metafunction 
4.1 Introduction 
4.2 Types of Process 
4.2.1 Material process 
4.2.2 Mental process 
4.2.3 Verbal process 
4.2.4 Relational process 
4.2.5 Existential process 
4.2.6 Behavioural process 
4.2.7 Circumstantial elements 
4.3 System of ERGATIVITY 
4.4 Logical Metafunction 
4.5 Summary 
Chapter 5 Textual Metafunction 
5.1 Introduction 
5.2 Defining THEME 
5.3 Classifying THEME 
5.3.1 Simple Theme 
5.3.2 Multiple Theme 
5.3.3 Conflated Theme 
5.4 Analysing Theme 
5.4.1 Thematic progression 
5.4.2 Interpersonal Theme in discourse development 
5.5 Summary 
Chapter 6 Clause Complex 
6.1 Introduction 
6.2 Identifying Clauses and Clause Complexes 
6.3 Systems of the Clause Complex 
6.3.1 The taxis system 
6.3.2 The Iogico—semantic system 
6.4 Analysing Real—Life Linguistic Data 
6.5 Summary 
Chapter 7 Phrase,Group,Group Complex 


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