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发布日期:2016-05-30  浏览


Unit 1 Fundamentals of Economics经济学基础知识
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Scarcity and Efficiency—The Twin Themes of Economics
    Text 2 Micro—Economics and Macro—Economics
  Part II Listening
    Adam Smith andthe Wealth ofNations
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 2 Basic Elements of Demand.and Supply
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Demand Schedule and Supply Schedule
    Text 2 Introduction to Equilibrium
  Part II Listening
    Applications of Supply and Demand
  Part III Chinese s
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 3 Consumption消费
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 OnDemand
    Text 2 Consumer Behavior
  Part II Listening
    Necessities and Luxuries
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part ⅣWord study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 4 Production生产
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 On Costs and Decisions ofthe Firm
    Text 2 Monopoly and Oligopoly
  Part II Listening
    Business Organizations
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 5 Market市场
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Market and Competition
    Text 2 Market Equilibrium
  Part II Listening
    Classification of Markets
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 6 Factor Markets:Land,Labor and Capital要素市场:土地、劳动力和资本
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Labor Market
    Text 2 Land Market and Capital Market
  Part II Listening
    Efficiency and Equity
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 7 Government,S Role in the Economy经济中政府的作用
  Part I Reading,
    Text 1 The Role of Government
    Text 2 Government Taxation
  Part II Listening
    China's Economy and Environment Protection
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV WOrd study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 8 Measuring Economic Activity衡量经济活动
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 GDP,
    Text 2 China's Fast Development
  Part II Listening
    Developing Countries and Developed Countries
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 9 Business Cycles and the Theory ofAggregate Demand商业周期和总需求理论
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Business Cycles
    Text 2 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
  Part II Listening
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 10 Economic Growth经济增长
  Part I Reading
    Text l On Economic Growth,
    Text 2 Altematives Models for Development
  Part II Listening
    Socialism and Capital
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 11 Unemployment失业
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Definitions and Classifications of Unemployment
    Text 2 The Impacts of Unemployment
  Part II Listening
    How to Find a Job
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 12 Inflation通货膨胀
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Nature and Impacts of Inflation
    Text 2 Ensuring Price Stability
  Part II Listening
    The Great Depression
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 13 Monetary Policies货币政策
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Monetary Policies
    Text 2 Banking
  Part II Listening
    Commercial Bank and Central Bank
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 14 Fiscal Policies财政政策
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Fiscal Policies
    Text 2 Impacts of Fiscal Policies
  Part II Listening
    Case Study
  Part III Chinese summary
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 1 5 Uncertainty and Game Theory不确定性和博弈论
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 Risks and Uncertainty
    Text 2 Game Theory
  Part II Listening
    Prisoner's Dilemma
  Part III Chinese su
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises
Unit 16 International Trade and International Economy国际贸易和世界经济
  Part I Reading
    Text 1 International Trade and Exchange Rates
    Text 2 Comparative Advantages and Protectionism
  Part II Listening
    Managing the Global Economy
  Part III Chinese su
  Part IV Word study
  Part V Exercises



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