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发布日期:2016-04-12  浏览


郝兴跃主编的《云南省十二五规划教材大学卓越 英语综合教程系列(Vol.2下学生用书)》直接由十个 单元构成,分别为Metallurgy Engineering, Materials Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Electrical Engineering, Communication Engineering,Mineral Processing,Environmental Engineering, Architecture Engineering,Civil Engineering ,Bioengineering。
每个单元由Section A和Section B两大部分构 成。每个单元均由Overview和Mini-team Project导 入(Book One因由模块构成,故Overview和Mini— team Project只在每个模块里的**个单元出现)。
在SectionA部分包括Text A,含Pre-reading Activities,课前的Vocabulary Previewing,课后 词汇表,以及练习。练习部分包括Reading Comprehension,Vocabulary Practice,Special Vocabulary Building,Paragraph Translation, WritingSkills以及Presentation Skills。
Section B部分主要由Reading Skills和Text B 构成,包括课文前的Pre-reading Activities,课 后的Vocabulary,Reading Comprehension以及 Vocabulary Practice。
Unit 1 Environmental Engineering
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: How to make a presentation with PowerPoint
    Text A Wastewater Treatment Methods
    Writing Skills: How to write a definition
  Section B
    Reading Skills: Guessing unknown new words
    Text B How does Mining Affect the Environment
Unit 2 Metallurgy
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: Tips for a successful presentation  /
    Text A Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals
    Writing Skills: Writing an invitation to an international conference
  Section B
    Reading Skills: Reading conference notices
    Text B International Conferences Notices
Unit 3 Telecommunications Engineering
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: How to deliver your presentation?
    Text A The History of Telecommunication
    Writing Skills : Brainstorming
  Section B
    Reading Skills: Understanding the newly created terms
    Text B The ABCs of the Internet of Things
Unit 4 Bioengineering
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills : Making a formal presentation
    Text A Interesting Examples of Bioengineering
    Writing Skills : Charts, Graphs, and Tables
  Section B
    Reading Skills: Reading for the main ideas in paragraphs
    Text B Human Genetic Engineering
Unit 5 Electrical Engineering
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: Useful expressions
    Text A  How Does a Transformer Work?
    Writing Skills: How to write a personal statement
  Section B
    Reading Skills : Distinguishing facts from opinions
    Text B  Life without Electricity
Unit 6 Architecture Engineering
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: Group presentation skills
    Text A  Green Architecture
    Writing Skills: How to write a good abstract
  Section B
    Reading Skills: The three stages of reading
    Text B  Sydney Opera House
Unit 7 Civil Engineering
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: Giving an academic presentation
    Text A  The Civil Engineer
    Writing Skills: How to write a good exposition
  Section B
    Reading Skills: Reading in thought groups
    Text B  Earthquake-Proof Buildings
Unit 8 Materials Engineering
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: How to make an inductive speech
    Text A  Interdisciplinary Macromolecular Science and Engineering--The New Frontier
    Writing Skills: How to write a literature review
  Section B
    Reading Skills: Graphic organizers
    Text B   Shape Memory Alloys and Their Applications
Unit 9 Mineral Processing
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: How to make a welcome speech
    Text A  Types of Minerals
    Writing Skills: How to write a topic sentence
  Section B
    Reading Skills: Tips for increasing reading speed
    Text B  Mineral Processing Methods
Unit 10 Mechanical Engineering
  Section A
    Mini-team Project
    Presentation Skills: How to arouse interests of your audience
    Text A  CNC Machine Overview and Computer Numerical Control History
    Writing Skills: How to write book reviews
  Section B
    Reading Skills: How to take notes in reading
    Text B  Die Casting



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