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Numerical methods and computer programming
发布日期:2016-10-17  浏览


NUMERICAL METHODS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMMING focuses mainly on numerical method envisaged in almost every field of science and engineering and essentially in any type of work that requires calculations to give precise solutions. The point of numerical analysis is to analyze methods that are used to give approximate number solutions to situations where it is unlikely to find the real solution quickly and to try and improve upon these methods so as to reduce the amount of error generated by computer calculation. The book has embed in its contents the use of computing programming describe algorithmic solutions whose basic ideas are common to a variety of mathematical problems. By means of the methods presented, the reader will acquire the skills besides a fundamental knowledge to successfully work on related subjects in this field. Computing approach enables solution of complex problems with a great number of very simple operations.


Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equation: Methods for Finding Root of an Equation / Order or Rate of Convergence / Newton-Raphson method / A Geometric Interpretation / Algorithm for Newton Raphson Method / Order or Rate of Convergence of Newton-Raphson Method / Method for Complex Root - Lin Bairstow Method / Graeffe's Root Square Method / Comparison / Newton Raphson Method Program Code / Interpolation and Approximation: Lagrange's Interpolation Formula / Newton-Divided Difference Formula / Newton Interpolation Formula for Finite Differences-Gauss's Forward Interpolation Formula / Gauss's Backward Interpolation Formula / Bessel's Formula / Laplace-Everett's Formula / Cubic Spline / Least Squares Approximation using Chebyshev Polynomial / Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations: Cholesky's (Crout's) method / Iterative Method for Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equation - Jacobi's method / Gauss-Seidel iteration method / Relaxation method / Solution of Eigen value problems / Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical Differentiation / Numerical Integration / Simpson's 1/3 Rule / Simpson's 3/8 Rule / Boole's rule/ Weddle's rule / Solution of Differential Equations: Modified Euler's method / Runge-Kutta Method of 2nd order / Runge-Kutta Method of 3rd Order / Runge-Kutta Method of 4th Orders / Predictor-Corrector Method / Stability of Ordinary Differential Equation.


版权所有:西安交通大学图书馆      设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心  
地址:陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号     邮编710049
