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Power system SCADA and smart grids
发布日期:2016-06-02  浏览


Power System SCADA and Smart Grids brings together in one concise volume the fundamentals and possible application functions of power system supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). The text begins by providing an overview of SCADA systems, evolution, and use in power systems and the data acquisition process. It then describes the components of SCADA systems, from the legacy remote terminal units (RTUs) to the latest intelligent electronic devices (IEDs), data concentrators, and master stations, as well as:
  • Examines the building and practical implementation of different SCADA systems
  • Offers a comprehensive discussion of the data communication, protocols, and media usage
  • Covers substation automation (SA), which forms the basis for transmission, distribution, and customer automation
  • Addresses distribution automation and distribution management systems (DA/DMS) and energy management systems (EMS) for transmission control centers
  • Discusses smart distribution, smart transmission, and smart grid solutions such as smart homes with home energy management systems (HEMs), plugged hybrid electric vehicles, and more
Power System SCADA and Smart Grids is designed to assist electrical engineering students, researchers, and practitioners alike in acquiring a solid understanding of SCADA systems and application functions in generation, transmission, and distribution systems, which are evolving day by day, to help them adapt to new challenges effortlessly. The book reveals the inner secrets of SCADA systems, unveils the potential of the smart grid, and inspires more minds to get involved in the development process.
The Authors
Power System Automation
Evolution of Automation Systems
History of Automation Systems
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems
Components of SCADA Systems
SCADA Applications
SCADA in Power Systems
SCADA Basic Functions
SCADA Application Functions
Advantages of SCADA in Power Systems
Deferred Capital Expenditure
Optimized Operation and Maintenance Costs
Equipment Condition Monitoring (ECM)
Sequence of Events (SOE) Recording
Power Quality Improvement
Data Warehousing for Power Utilities
Power System Field
Transmission and Distribution Systems
Customer Premises
Types of Data and Signals in Power Systems
Flow of Data from the Field to the SCADA Control Center
Organization of the Book
SCADA Fundamentals
Open System: Need and Advantages
Building Blocks of SCADA Systems
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
Evolution of RTUs
Components of RTU
Communication Subsystem
Logic Subsystem
Termination Subsystem
Testing and Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Subsystem
Power Supplies
Advanced RTU Functionalities
Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs)
Evolution of IEDs
IED Functional Block Diagram
Hardware and Software Architecture of the IED
IED Communication Subsystem
IED Advanced Functionalities
Tools for Settings, Commissioning, and Testing
Programmable LCD Display
Typical IEDs
Data Concentrators and Merging Units
RTUs, IEDs, and Data Concentrator
Merging Units and IEDs
SCADA Communication Systems
Master Station
Master Station Software Components
Master Station Hardware Components
Server Systems in the Master Station
Small, Medium, and Large Master Stations
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
Master Station Performance
Human-Machine Interface (HMI)
HMI Components
HMI Software Functionalities
Situational Awareness
Intelligent Alarm Filtering: Need and Technique
Alarm Suppression Techniques
Operator Needs and Requirements
Building the SCADA Systems, Legacy, Hybrid, and New Systems
Classification of SCADA Systems
Single Master–Single Remote
Single Master–Multiple RTU
Multiple Master–Multiple RTUs
Single Master, Multiple Submaster, Multiple Remote
SCADA Implementation: A Laboratory Model
The SCADA Laboratory
System Hardware
System Software
SCADA Lab Field Design
Case Studies in SCADA
"Kentucky Utility Fires Up Its First SCADA System"
"Ketchikan Public Utilities Finds Solutions to Outdated, Proprietary RTUs"
"Overwhelmed by Alarms: The Blackout Puts Filtering and Suppression Technologies in the Spotlight"
"North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Boosts Revenue by Replacing SCADA"
SCADA Communication
SCADA Communication Requirements
Smart Grid Communication Infrastructure
Quality of Services (QoS)
SCADA Communication Topologies
Point to Point and Multi-Drop
Bus Topology
Ring Topology
Star Topology
Mesh Topology
Data Flow: Simplex and Duplex
SCADA Data Communication Techniques
Multi-Peer (Broadcast and Multicast)
Data Communication
Components of a Data Communication System
Transmission of Digital Signals
Modes of Digital Data Communication
Error Detection Techniques
Media Access Control (MAC) Techniques
SCADA Communication Protocol Architecture
OSI Seven-Layer Model
Enhanced Performance Architecture (EPA) Model
TCP/IP Model
Evolution of SCADA Communication Protocols
SCADA and Smart Grid Protocols
IEC 60870-5-101/103/104
Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3)
Inter-Control Center Protocol (ICCP)
IEC 61850
IEEE C37.118: Synchrophasor Standard
Wireless Technologies for Home Automation
Protocols in the Power System: Deployed and Evolving
Media for SCADA and Smart Grid Communication
Guided Media
Twisted Pair
Coaxial (Coax) Metallic Cable
Optical Fiber
Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC)
Telephone-Based Systems
Unguided (Wireless) Media
Satellite Communication
Radio (VHF, UHF, Spread Spectrum)
Cell Phone
Communication Media: Utility Owned versus Leased
Security for SCADA and Smart Grid Communication
Challenges for SCADA and Smart Grid Communication
Substation Automation (SA)
Substation Automation: Why? Why Now?
Deregulation and Competition
Development of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs)
Enterprise-Wide Interest in Information from IEDs
Implementation and Acceptance of Standards
Construction Cost Savings and Reduction in Physical Complexity
Conventional Substations: Islands of Automation
New Smart Devices for Substation Automation
New Instrument Transformers with Digital Interface
Intelligent Breaker
Merging Units (MUs)
The New Integrated Digital Substation
Levels of Automation in a Substation
Architecture Functional Data Paths
Data Warehouse
Substation Automation: Technical Issues
System Responsibilities
System Architecture
Substation Host Processor
Substation LAN
User Interface
Communications Interfaces
Protocol Considerations
The New Digital Substation
Process Level
Protection and Control Level
Station Bus and Station Level
Substation Automation Architectures
Legacy Substation Automation System
Digital Substation Automation Design
New versus Existing Substations
Drivers of Transition
Migration Paths and the Steps Involved
Value of Standards in Substation Automation
Substation Automation (SA) Application Functions
Integrated Protection Functions: Traditional Approach and IED-Based Approach
Automation Functions
Enterprise-Level Application Functions
Data Analysis: Benefits of Data Warehousing
Benefits of Data Analysis to Utilities
Problems in Data Analysis
Ways to Handle Data
Knowledge Extraction Techniques
SA Practical Implementation: Substation Automation Laboratory
Hardware Design of the SA Laboratory
Software Components of the SA Laboratory
Mitigation from Old Technology to the New Technology
Case Studies in Substation Automation
Energy Management Systems (EMS) for Control Centers
Operating States of the Power System and Sources of Grid Vulnerability
Energy Control Centers
Energy Management Systems (EMS): Why and What and Challenges
Energy Management Systems Evolution
EMS Framework
EMS Time Frames
EMS Software Applications and Data Flow
Data Acquisition and Communication (SCADA Systems)
Generation Operation and Management
Load Forecasting
Unit Commitment
Hydrothermal Coordination
Real-Time Economic Dispatch and Reserve Monitoring
Real-Time Automatic Generation Control
Transmission Operations and Management: Real Time
Network Configuration and Topology Processors
State Estimation
Contingency Analysis
Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow
Islanding of Power Systems
Study-Mode Simulations
Network Modeling
Power Flow Analysis
Short-Circuit Analysis
Post-Event Analysis and Energy Scheduling and Accounting
Energy Scheduling and Accounting
Event Analysis
Energy Service Providers
Dispatcher Training Simulator
Smart Transmission
Phasor Measurement Unit
Phasor Quantity and Time Synchronization
PMU-PDC System Architecture
Applications of PMU
WAMS (Wide-Area Monitoring System)
Future Trends in EMS and DMS with WAMS
Case Studies in EMS and WAMS
Distribution Automation and Distribution Management (DA/DMS) Systems
Overview of Distribution Systems
Introduction to Distribution Automation
Customer Automation
Feeder Automation
Substation Automation
Subsystems in a Distribution Control Center
Distribution Management Systems (DMSs)
Outage Management Systems (OMS)
CIS (Customer Information System)
GIS (Geographical Information System)
AMS (Asset Management System)
AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
DMS Framework: Integration with Subsystems
Common Information Model (CIM)
DMS Application Functions
Advanced Real-Time DMS Applications
Topology Processing (TP)
Integrated Volt-Var Control (IVVC)
Fault Detection, Isolation, and Service Restoration (FDIR)
Distribution Load Flow
Distribution State Estimation (SE) and Load Estimation
Advanced Analytical DMS Applications
Optimal Feeder Reconfiguration
Optimal Capacitor Placement
Other Applications
DMS Coordination with Other Systems
Integration with Outage Management Systems (OMS)
Integration with AMI
Customer Automation Functions
Social Media Usage for Improved Reliability and Customer Satisfaction
Replacing Truck Rolls
Tying It All Together
Routing Signals
DMS in Outage Management
Future Trends in DA and DMS
Case Studies in DA and DMS
Smart Grid Concepts
Smart Grid Definition and Development
Old Grid versus New Grid
Stakeholders in Smart Grid Development
Smart Grid Solutions
Asset Optimization
Demand Optimization
Distribution Optimization
Smart Meter and Communications
Transmission Optimization
Workforce and Engineering Optimization
Smart Grid Road Map
Smart Distribution
Demand-Side Management and Demand Response
Distributed Energy Resource and Energy Storage
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
Smart Homes with Home Energy Management Systems (HEMs)
Plugged Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Smart Transmission
Lessons Learned in Deployment of Smart Grid Technologies
Lessons on Technology
Lessons on Implementation and Deployment
Lessons on Project Management: Building a Collaborative Management Team
Share Lessons Learned
The Lessons Continue
Case Studies in Smart Grid
PG&E Improves Information Visibility
Present and Future Integration of Diagnostic Equipment Monitoring
Accelerated Deployment of Smart Grid Technologies in India: Present Scenario, Challenges, and Way Forward



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