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Scheduling of large-scale virtualized infrastructures : toward cooperative management
发布日期:2016-05-26  浏览


System virtualization has become increasingly common in distributed systems because of its functionality and convenience for the owners and users of these infrastructures. In Scheduling of Large-scale Virtualized Infrastructures, author Flavien Quesnel examines the management of large-scale virtual infrastructures with an emphasis on scheduling up to 80,000 virtual machines on 8,000 nodes. The text fills a need for updated software managing to meet the increasing size of virtual infrastructures. Virtual machine managers and virtual operators will appreciate this guide to improvement in cooperative software management.


List of Abbreviations xi

Introduction xiii

Part 1 Management of Distributed Infrastructures 1

Chapter 1 Distributed Infrastructures Before the Rise of Virtualization 3

Chapter 2 Contribution of Virtualization 13

Chapter 3 Virtual Infrastructure Managers Used in Production 27

Part 2 Toward a Cooperative and Decentralized Framework to Manage Virtual Infrastructures 49

Chapter 4 Comparative Study Between Virtual Infrastructure Managers and Distributed Operating Systems 51

Chapter 5 Dynamic Scheduling of Virtual Machines 67

Part 3 DVMS, A Cooperative and Decentralized Framework to Dynamically Schedule Virtual Machines 83

Chapter 6 DVMS: A Proposal to Schedule Virtual Machines in a Cooperative and Reactive Way 85

Chapter 7 Experimental Protocol and Testing Environment 101

Chapter 8 Experimental Results and Validation of DVMS 113

Chapter 9 Perspectives Around DVMS 133

Conclusion 141

Bibliography 145

List of Tables 157

List of Figures 159

Index 163




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