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Environmental Impact of Polymers
发布日期:2015-11-24  浏览

Environmental Impact of Polymers

[Book Description]

This text addresses the common negative perception of polymer materials on the environment with a thorough analysis of what really occurs when industry and academia collaborate to find environmental solutions. The book examines the environmental and social effects of polymer materials and explains methods of quantifying environmental performance. With an emphasis on the importance of education, the authors stress the importance of awareness and activity in negating polymers' environmental impact.

[Table of Contents]
Preface                                            xiii
Introduction                                       xv
Chapter 1 Some Notes On Two Controversies          1   (12)
Around Plastic Materials And Their Media
          Laura Maxim
    1.1 Introduction                               1   (1)
    1.2 Socio-political aspects of the two         1   (4)
    controversies in the scientific literature
    1.3 Plastics in the French media: a small      5   (5)
      1.3.1 The written press: endocrine           6   (1)
      1.3.2 Plastics in general                    7   (2)
      1.3.3 An analysis of two television          9   (1)
    1.4 Conclusion                                 10  (1)
    1.5 Appendix: equations of research to         11  (1)
    identify the "plastic" corpus
    1.6 Bibliography                               11  (2)
Chapter 2 Plastic Waste And The Environment        13  (14)
          Claude Duval
    2.1 Introduction: waste and the environment    13  (1)
    2.2 The end of life of plastic parts           13  (11)
      2.2.1 Reduction at source                    13  (2)
      2.2.2 Hierarchy of choice of valorization    15  (2)
      2.2.3 Inventory                              17  (1)
      2.2.4 Specific difficulties with the         18  (1)
      physical recycling of plastics
      2.2.5 The recycling chain                    18  (2)
      2.2.6 Physical recycling in solution         20  (1)
      2.2.7 The use of recycled materials          21  (1)
      2.2.8 Chemical recycling                     21  (1)
      2.2.9 Energetic valorization                 22  (1)
      2.2.10 Landfilling                           23  (1)
    2.3 Conclusion                                 24  (1)
    2.4 Bibliography                               24  (3)
Chapter 3 Polymers And Marine Litter               27  (22)
        François Galgani
    3.1 Introduction                               27  (1)
    3.2 The cycle of litter at sea                 28  (7)
      3.2.1 Methods                                28  (2)
      3.2.2 Nature and quantity of litter          30  (1)
      reaching the sea
      3.2.3 Sources                                31  (2)
      3.2.4 Fate and distribution                  33  (1)
      3.2.5 Oceanic convergence zone               34  (1)
    3.3 The degradation of litter at sea           35  (2)
    3.4 The effect of marine litter on the         37  (3)
    3.5 Socio-economic aspects                     40  (5)
      3.5.1 Legal aspects (laws, conventions       40  (3)
      and directives)
      3.5.2 Initiatives                            43  (2)
      3.5.3 Understanding and educating            45  (1)
    3.6 Conclusion                                 45  (1)
    3.7 Acknowledgment                             46  (1)
    3.8 Bibliography                               46  (3)
Chapter 4 Between Prejudice And Realities: How     49  (16)
Plastics Are Essential For The Future
          Michel Loubry
    4.1 From a gloomy picture to a solution for    49  (5)
    the future
      4.1.1 An antiplastic crisis with often       49  (1)
      paradoxical consequences
      4.1.2 The world as it is... 2030             50  (2)
      4.1.3 Vital qualities of plastics            52  (2)
    4.2 Engineering polymers: what is              54  (4)
    wonderful, what is reassuring?
      4.2.1 Plastics and their ignored             54  (1)
      positives effects on the preservation of
      the environment
      4.2.2 Lightweight plastic, a quality that    55  (1)
      induces environmental performance
      4.2.3 When plastics protect us               56  (1)
      4.2.4 How plastics will prevail in the       56  (1)
      future energy solution9
      4.2.5 Plastics at the heart of               57  (1)
      technological advancement
    4.3 Plastic industries: progress to be made    58  (5)
      4.3.1 Environmental issues, the European     58  (1)
      plastics industrials acts
      4.3.2 From polluting plastics to             59  (1)
      non-disposable plastics
      4.3.3 Recycling and valorization: the        60  (1)
      French cultural handicap
      4.3.4 Bisphenol A or how to spread           61  (1)
      anxiety and misinformation
      4.3.5 Bioplastics: from advertising to       62  (1)
    4.4 Conclusion                                 63  (1)
    4.5 Bibliography                               63  (2)
Chapter 5 Lifecycle Assessment And Green           65  (26)
Chemistry: A Look At Innovative Tools For
Sustainable Development
          Sylvain Caillol
    5.1 Contextual element                         65  (4)
      5.1.1 The chemical industry mobilized to     65  (2)
      deal with global upsets
      5.1.2 New stresses being exerted on          67  (2)
      industrial chemistry
    5.2 Lifecycle assessment, as an eco-design     69  (9)
    tool: definitions and concepts
      5.2.1 Eco-design: some definitions           69  (1)
      5.2.2 Lifecycle assessment: definitions      70  (2)
      and concept
      5.2.3 Definition of the goals and scope      72  (1)
      of the lifecycle assessment
      5.2.4 Lifecycle inventory analysis           73  (1)
      5.2.5 Lifecycle impact assessment            74  (1)
      5.2.6 Lifecycle interpretation               75  (3)
    5.3 Green chemistry and eco-design             78  (1)
    5.4 Limitations of the tool                    79  (6)
      5.4.1 Importance of the hypotheses           81  (2)
      5.4.2 Relevance of the inventory data        83  (1)
      5.4.3 Influence of rules of allocation       84  (1)
      5.4.4 The choice to recycle                  84  (1)
    5.5 Conclusions: the future of eco-design      85  (2)
    5.6 Bibliography                               87  (4)
Chapter 6 Are Bioplastics "Green" Plastics'        91  (18)
          Olivier Talon
    6.1 Introduction                               91  (1)
    6.2 Bioplastics and LCA ? some basic points    92  (6)
      6.2.1 Overview of methods used and           92  (5)
      results obtained
      6.2.2 Limitations of the LCA methodology     97  (1)
      for the study of bioplastics
      6.2.3 Advantage to an additional             98  (1)
      qualitative approach
    6.3 Bioplastics in light of the 12             98  (7)
    commandments of green chemistry
      6.3.1 The twelve principles of green         98  (1)
      chemistry: a reference framework
      6.3.2 Examples of use of this referential    99  (5)
      6.3.3 Practical case study: Bio-PET,         104 (1)
      decryption of a communication and avenues
      for improvement
    6.4 Conclusion                                 105 (1)
    6.5 Bibliography                               105 (4)
      6.5.1 Websites                               107 (2)
Chapter 7 Environmental Characterization Of        109 (10)
Materials For Product Design
          Stéphane Le Pochat
          Arnaud Roquesalane
    7.1 Introduction                               109 (1)
    7.2 Environmental characterization for a       110 (7)
    drink container
      7.2.1 Description of the case study          110 (1)
      7.2.2 Characterization of materials by LCA   110 (7)
    7.3 Suggested indicators for the materials     117 (1)
    considered in this example
    7.4 Conclusion                                 117 (1)
    7.5 Bibliography                               118 (1)
Chapter 8 Choice Of Materials And Environmental    119 (36)
Impact: Case Of A Water Bottle
         Rémi Deterre 
    8.1 Introduction                               119 (1)
    8.2 Functional analysis                        120 (4)
      8.2.1 Functional analysis of a bottle        120 (4)
    8.3 Choice of materials                        124 (14)
      8.3.1 Expression of the specifications       124 (5)
      8.3.2 List of properties relating to         129 (9)
      choice of material
    8.4 Suitability for processing                 138 (9)
    8.5 Integration of an environmental            147 (4)
    8.6 Conclusion                                 151 (2)
    8.7 Appendix: modeling of cost index [ESA      153 (1)
    8.8 Bibliography                               154 (1)
Chapter 9 Formulation And Development Of           155 (46)
Biodegradable And Bio-Based Multiphase
Materials: Plasticized Starch-Based Materials
          Luc Av駻ous
    9.1 Introduction                               155 (2)
    9.2 Biodegradable polymers                     157 (16)
      9.2.1 Concepts: biodegradability and         157 (3)
      9.2.2 Classifications of biodegradable       160 (1)
      9.2.3 The case of biodegradable polyesters   161 (10)
      9.2.4 Agro-polymers                          171 (2)
    9.3 Plasticized starch                         173 (7)
      9.3.1 General points                         173 (1)
      9.3.2 Implementation and rheology of         174 (2)
      plasticized starch
      9.3.3 Behavior of plasticized starch in      176 (2)
      the solid state
      9.3.4 Issues and strategies                  178 (2)
    9.4 Biodegradable multiphase systems based     180 (11)
    on plasticized starch
      9.4.1 Structures of plasticized              180 (1)
      starch-based multiphase systems
      9.4.2 Plasticized starch-based blends        180 (3)
      9.4.3 Plasticized starch-based multilayers   183 (2)
      9.4.4 Plasticized starch-based composites    185 (1)
      9.4.5 The case of plasticized                186 (5)
      starch-based nanobiocomposites
    9.5 Acknowledgments                            191 (1)
    9.6 Bibliography                               191 (10)
Chapter 10 Different Strategies For Ecoplastics    201 (44)
          Jean-François Feller
    10.1 Introduction                              201 (1)
    10.2 General points about the lifecycle of     201 (1)
    10.3 Energy                                    202 (2)
    10.4 Material                                  204 (5)
      10.4.1 Minimizing waste                      204 (1)
      10.4.2 Favoring sustainable and renewable    205 (4)
    10.5 The solution of ecoplastics               209 (1)
    10.6 Scenario with compostable ecoplastic      210 (11)
      10.6.1 Creation of a mixture of              210 (8)
      biodegradable polymers
      10.6.2 Characterization of starch/PCL        218 (3)
    10.7 Scenario with a recyclable ecoplastic     221 (18)
      10.7.1 Sources of plastic waste              221 (2)
      10.7.2 Concept of recyclability              223 (1)
      10.7.3 Recyclability of bisphenol A          223 (7)
      poly(carbonate) waste
      10.7.4 Bonding of rubber and                 230 (4)
      poly(carbonate) waste
      10.7.5 Upgrading of waste for a              234 (5)
      higher-level application
    10.8 Conclusion                                239 (1)
    10.9 Acknowledgments                           239 (1)
    10.10 Bibliography                             240 (5)
Chapter 11 Thoughts About Plastic Recycling.       245 (12)
Presentation Of A Concrete Example: End-Of-Life
          Frédéric Viot
    11.1 Why do we use plastics                    245 (1)
    11.2 What are the regulations governing the    246 (4)
    "end of life" of plastics?
      11.2.1 Compounding of collected plastic      249 (1)
      11.2.2 Tools for working with recycled       250 (1)
    11.3 Armed with these observations, how did    250 (4)
    we proceed?
      11.3.1 List of problems encountered          252 (2)
    11.4 Conclusion                                254 (3)
Chapter 12 Recyclable And Bio-Based Materials      257 (16)
Open Up New Prospects For Polymers: Scientific
And Social Aspects
         Valérie Massardier
    12.1 Introduction                              257 (3)
    12.2 Resources                                 260 (6)
      12.2.1 Mechanical recycling with energy      260 (4)
      12.2.2 Bio-based polymers                    264 (2)
    12.3 Social acceptability of recycled and      266 (1)
    bio-based polymers
    12.4 Formulation examples of blends based      267 (1)
    on recycled PA and bio-based PA and their
    toxicological considerations
    12.5 Conclusion                                268 (1)
    12.6 Bibliography                              269 (4)
Chapter 13 Food Packaging: New Directions For      273 (36)
The Control Of Additive And Residue Migration
          Olivier Vitrac
          Audrey Goujon
    13.1 Introduction                              273 (1)
    13.2 Migration of packaging components         274 (6)
      13.2.1 Evidence for migration                274 (3)
      13.2.2 Food contamination pathways           277 (2)
      13.2.3 Aggravating factors of                279 (1)
    13.3 Assessing and controlling migration       280 (15)
      13.3.1 European regulation and its limits    280 (3)
      13.3.2 Modeling migration                    283 (5)
      13.3.3 FMECA approaches to design safe       288 (7)
    13.4 Predicting and controlling migration      295 (9)
    at the molecular level
      13.4.1 Packaging-food partition              295 (4)
      13.4.2 Diffusion scaling laws                299 (5)
    13.5 Conclusion                                304 (1)
    13.6 Bibliography                              305 (4)
Chapter 14 Biodegradability And/or                 309 (32)
         Guy César
    14.1 Biodegradation                            309 (23)
      14.1.1 Introduction                          309 (1)
      14.1.2 The definitions of biodegradation     310 (1)
      14.1.3 Stages of biodegradation              310 (4)
      14.1.4 How to measure biodegradation         314 (15)
      14.1.5 Specific study of polyolefins         329 (2)
      added to pro-oxidants
      14.1.6 Examples                              331 (1)
    14.2 Composting                                332 (3)
      14.2.1 Compostability                        332 (1)
      14.2.2 Norm NF EN 13432                      333 (2)
    14.3 Ten questions about biodegradability      335 (2)
    and compostability
      14.3.1 Can certain materials (polyolefins    335 (1)
      with additives) be sometimes called
      "compostable"? Is this true?
      14.3.2 Is it acceptable to say that "my      335 (1)
      product is biodegradable"?
      14.3.3 Is it acceptable to say that "my      335 (1)
      product is compostable"?
      14.3.4 Is there a norm for compostability    336 (1)
      under "domestic" conditions?
      14.3.5 Are the materials said to be          336 (1)
      oxobiodegradable actually biodegradable?
      14.3.6 My material is not packaging, can     336 (1)
      it still conform to NF EN 13432?
      14.3.7 Can I say that my material            336 (1)
      conforms to NF EN 13432 and/or to NFU
      52001 without consulting a certification
      14.3.8 Can I "officially" declare that my    336 (1)
      material is biodegradable based on one or
      several (non-) respirometric and (non-)
      standardized tests of biodegradation?
      14.3.9 Is a biodegradable material337 (1)
      necessarily compostable?
      14.3.10 Is a material, compostable under     337 (1)
      industrial conditions, biodegradable?
    14.4 Conclusion                                337 (1)
    14.5 Bibliography                              338 (3)
Chapter 15 The Regulation By Law Of                341 (16)
Nanosciences And Nanotechnologies
          Eric Juet
    15.1 Introduction                              341 (1)
    15.2 Obstacles in the legal regulation of      342 (7)
      15.2.1 Scientific and technical challenges   343 (3)
      15.2.2 Legal issues                          346 (3)
    15.3 The legal regulation of nanomaterials     349 (6)
      15.3.1 Legal regulation initiated by         349 (2)
      voluntary measures
      15.3.2 Legal regulation prolonged by         351 (2)
      technical modifications to the REACH
      15.3.3 Legal regulation consolidated by      353 (2)
      non-technical amendments to sector
    15.4 Conclusion                                355 (1)
    15.5 Bibliography                              356 (1)
Chapter 16 Teaching Sustainable Development        357 (6)
          Serge Walter
    16.1 Introduction                              357 (1)
    16.2 The foundations of teaching               358 (2)
    sustainable development
      16.2.1 The need for the rigorous             358 (1)
      quantification of energy
      16.2.2 The problem of flow management        359 (1)
    16.3 Conclusion                                360 (3)
List Of Authors                                    363 (2)
Index                                              365



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