The increasing demand for wireless services and the growing number of wireless users are pushing networks to their capacity limits. Smart antenna technology can overcome these capacity limits as well as improve signal quality and let mobile telephones operate on less power. This book arms wireless telecom engineers with a powerful design methodology that allows them to select the smart antenna approach most suitable for a particular application. It also allows wireless engineers to evaluate systems performance of a particular design and engineer smart antenna designs for optimal performance. A comprehensive and practical reference, this book offers guidance in the application of smart antennas in 2G, 3G, and advanced Mimo (multiple input and multiple output) wireless systems.
Table of Contents
Multiple Access Techniques for 2G and 3G Systems - IS-95 Systems Overview. GSM Systems. Cochannel Interference. Multiple Access Interference. Key Benefits of IS - 2000 versus IS-95. WCDMA Overview. Coverage and Capacity Limitation Issues.
Radio Propagation Channel Models - Conventional Radio Propagation Models. Fundamental Parameters of Existing Propagation Models. Directional and Spatial Channel Models. COST 259 Model. Diversity.
Fixed Beam Smart Antenna Systems - Conventional Sectorization. Limitations of Increased Sectorization Orders. Drawbacks of Switched Beam Multiple Antennas. Fixed Beam Multiple Antenna Systems. The Butler Matrix.
Adaptive Array Systems - Adaptive Beam Forming. Steered Beam Systems. Adaptive Interference Nulling.
Smart Antenna Receivers and Algorithms for Radio Base Stations.
Coverage and Capacity Improvements of Wireless Networks.
System Aspects of Smart Antennas.
Smart Antenna Applications in Handsets.
MIMO Systems.
About the Author
Ahmed El Zooghby is a staff engineer at Qualcomm, Inc., located in San Diego, California. A senior member of the IEEE, he holds an M.S. in electrical engineering from Alexandria University and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Central Florida.