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Kernel methods for pattern analysis (模型分析核心方法)
发布日期:2006-09-05  浏览

Kernel methods provide a powerful and unified framework for pattern discovery, motivating algorithms that can act on general types of data (e.g. strings, vectors or text) and look for general types of relations (e.g. rankings, classifications, regressions, clusters). The application areas range from neural networks and pattern recognition to machine learning and data mining. This book, developed from lectures and tutorials, fulfils two major roles: firstly it provides practitioners with a large toolkit of algorithms, kernels and solutions ready to use for standard pattern discovery problems in fields such as bioinformatics, text analysis, image analysis. Secondly it provides an easy introduction for students and researchers to the growing field of kernel-based pattern analysis, demonstrating with examples how to handcraft an algorithm or a kernel for a new specific application, and covering all the necessary conceptual and mathematical tools to do so.
• First unified presentation of apparently diverse topics in pattern recognition
• Thoroughly class-tested at Berkeley, and at the International Conference on Machine Learning
• Ideal as a graduate textbook, or professional reference/self-teaching
Part I. Basic Concepts:
1. Pattern analysis;
2. Kernel methods: an overview;
3. Properties of kernels;
4. Detecting stable patterns;
Part II. Pattern Analysis Algorithms:
5. Elementary algorithms in feature space;
6. Pattern analysis using eigen-decompositions;
7. Pattern analysis using convex optimisation;
8. Ranking, clustering and data visualisation;
Part III. Constructing Kernels:
9. Basic kernels and kernel types;
10. Kernels for text;
11. Kernels for structured data: strings, trees, etc.;
12. Kernels from generative models;
Part IV. Appendices;
Appendix A. Proof omitted from the main text;
Appendix B. Notational conventions;
Appendix C. List of pattern analysis methods;
Appendix D. List of kernels; Bibliography;


版权所有:西安交通大学图书馆      设计与制作:西安交通大学数据与信息中心  
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