An Introduction to Optimization
Praise for the Third Edition "...guides and leads the reader through the learning path ...[e]xamples are stated very clearly and the results are presented with attention to detail." -MAA Reviews Fully updated to reflect new developments in the field, the Fourth Edition of Introduction to Optimization fills the need for accessible treatment of optimization theory and methods with an emphasis on engineering design. Basic definitions and notations are provided in addition to the related fundamental background for linear algebra, geometry, and calculus. This new edition explores the essential topics of unconstrained optimization problems, linear programming problems, and nonlinear constrained optimization. The authors also present an optimization perspective on global search methods and include discussions on genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, and the simulated annealing algorithm.Featuring an elementary introduction to artificial neural networks, convex optimization, and multi-objective optimization, the Fourth Edition also offers: * A new chapter on integer programming * Expanded coverage of one-dimensional methods * Updated and expanded sections on linear matrix inequalities * Numerous new exercises at the end of each chapter * MATLAB exercises and drill problems to reinforce the discussed theory and algorithms * Numerous diagrams and figures that complement the written presentation of key concepts * MATLAB M-files for implementation of the discussed theory and algorithms (available via the book's website) Introduction to Optimization, Fourth Edition is an ideal textbook for courses on optimization theory and methods. In addition, the book is a useful reference for professionals in mathematics, operations research, electrical engineering, economics, statistics, and business.
Preface xiii
Part I Mathematical Review
1 Methods of Proof and Some Notation 3 (4)
1.1 Methods of Proof 3 (2)
1.2 Notation 5 (1)
Exercises 6 (1)
2 Vector Spaces and Matrices 7 (18)
2.1 Vector and Matrix 7 (6)
2.2 Rank of a Matrix 13 (4)
2.3 Linear Equations 17 (2)
2.4 Inner Products and Norms 19 (3)
Exercises 22 (3)
3 Transformations 25 (20)
3.1 Linear Transformations 25 (1)
3.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 26 (3)
3.3 Orthogonal Projections 29 (2)
3.4 Quadratic Forms 31 (4)
3.5 Matrix Norms 35 (5)
Exercises 40 (5)
4 Concepts from Geometry 45 (10)
4.1 Line Segments 45 (1)
4.2 Hyperplanes and Linear Varieties 46 (2)
4.3 Convex Sets 48 (2)
4.4 Neighborhoods 50 (2)
4.5 Polytopes and Polyhedra 52 (1)
Exercises 53 (2)
5 Elements of Calculus 55 (26)
5.1 Sequences and Limits 55 (7)
5.2 Differentiability 62 (1)
5.3 The Derivative Matrix 63 (4)
5.4 Differentiation Rules 67 (1)
5.5 Level Sets and Gradients 68 (4)
5.6 Taylor Series 72 (5)
Exercises 77 (4)
Part II Unconstrained Optimization
6 Basics of Set-Constrained and Unconstrained 81 (22)
6.1 Introduction 81 (2)
6.2 Conditions for Local Minimizers 83 (10)
Exercises 93 (10)
7 One-Dimensional Search Methods 103 (28)
7.1 Introduction 103 (1)
7.2 Golden Section Search 104 (4)
7.3 Fibonacci Method 108 (8)
7.4 Bisection Method 116 (1)
7.5 Newton's Method 116 (4)
7.6 Secant Method 120 (3)
7.7 Bracketing 123 (1)
7.8 Line Search in Multidimensional 124 (2)
Exercises 126 (5)
8 Gradient Methods 131 (30)
8.1 Introduction 131 (2)
8.2 The Method of Steepest Descent 133 (8)
8.3 Analysis of Gradient Methods 141 (12)
Exercises 153 (8)
9 Newton's Method 161 (14)
9.1 Introduction 161 (3)
9.2 Analysis of Newton's Method 164 (4)
9.3 Levenberg-Marquardt Modification 168 (1)
9.4 Newton's Method for Nonlinear Least 168 (3)
Exercises 171 (4)
10 Conjugate Direction Methods 175 (18)
10.1 Introduction 175 (2)
10.2 The Conjugate Direction Algorithm 177 (5)
10.3 The Conjugate Gradient Algorithm 182 (4)
10.4 The Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for 186 (3)
Nonquadratic Problems
Exercises 189 (4)
11 Quasi-Newton Methods 193 (24)
11.1 Introduction 193 (1)
11.2 Approximating the Inverse Hessian 194 (3)
11.3 The Rank One Correction Formula 197 (5)
11.4 The DFP Algorithm 202 (5)
11.5 The BFGS Algorithm 207 (4)
Exercises 211 (6)
12 Solving Linear Equations 217 (36)
12.1 Least-Squares Analysis 217 (10)
12.2 The Recursive Least-Squares Algorithm 227 (4)
12.3 Solution to a Linear Equation with 231 (1)
Minimum Norm
12.4 Kaczmarz's Algorithm 232 (4)
12.5 Solving Linear Equations in General 236 (8)
Exercises 244 (9)
13 Unconstrained Optimization and Neural 253 (20)
13.1 Introduction 253 (3)
13.2 Single-Neuron Training 256 (2)
13.3 The Backpropagation Algorithm 258 (12)
Exercises 270 (3)
14 Global Search Algorithms 273 (32)
14.1 Introduction 273 (1)
14.2 The Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm 274 (4)
14.3 Simulated Annealing 278 (4)
14.4 Particle Swarm Optimization 282 (3)
14.5 Genetic Algorithms 285 (13)
Exercises 298 (7)
Part III Linear Programming
15 Introduction to Linear Programming 305 (34)
15.1 Brief History of Linear Programming 305 (2)
15.2 Simple Examples of Linear Programs 307 (7)
15.3 Two-Dimensional Linear Programs 314 (2)
15.4 Convex Polyhedra and Linear Programming 316 (2)
15.5 Standard Form Linear Programs 318 (6)
15.6 Basic Solutions 324 (3)
15.7 Properties of Basic Solutions 327 (3)
15.8 Geometric View of Linear Programs 330 (5)
Exercises 335 (4)
16 Simplex Method 339 (40)
16.1 Solving Linear Equations Using Row 339 (7)
16.2 The Canonical Augmented Matrix 346 (3)
16.3 Updating the Augmented Matrix 349 (1)
16.4 The Simplex Algorithm 350 (7)
16.5 Matrix Form of the Simplex Method 357 (4)
16.6 Two-Phase Simplex Method 361 (3)
16.7 Revised Simplex Method 364 (5)
Exercises 369 (10)
17 Duality 379 (24)
17.1 Dual Linear Programs 379 (8)
17.2 Properties of Dual Problems 387 (7)
Exercises 394 (9)
18 Nonsimplex Methods 403 (26)
18.1 Introduction 403 (2)
18.2 Khachiyan's Method 405 (3)
18.3 Affine Scaling Method 408 (5)
18.4 Karmarkar's Method 413 (13)
Exercises 426 (3)
19 Integer Linear Programming 429 (24)
19.1 Introduction 429 (1)
19.2 Unimodular Matrices 430 (7)
19.3 The Gomory Cutting-Plane Method 437 (10)
Exercises 447 (6)
Part IV Nonlinear Constrained Optimization
20 Problems with Equality Constraints 453 (34)
20.1 Introduction 453 (2)
20.2 Problem Formulation 455 (1)
20.3 Tangent and Normal Spaces 456 (7)
20.4 Lagrange Condition 463 (9)
20.5 Second-Order Conditions 472 (4)
20.6 Minimizing Quadratics Subject to 476 (5)
Linear Constraints
Exercises 481 (6)
21 Problems with Inequality Constraints 487 (22)
21.1 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Condition 487 (9)
21.2 Second-Order Conditions 496 (5)
Exercises 501 (8)
22 Convex Optimization Problems 509 (40)
22.1 Introduction 509 (3)
22.2 Convex Functions 512 (9)
22.3 Convex Optimization Problems 521 (6)
22.4 Semidefinite Programming 527 (13)
Exercises 540 (9)
23 Algorithms for Constrained Optimization 549 (28)
23.1 Introduction 549 (1)
23.2 Projections 549 (4)
23.3 Projected Gradient Methods with Linear 553 (4)
23.4 Lagrangian Algorithms 557 (7)
23.5 Penalty Methods 564 (7)
Exercises 571 (6)
24 Multiobjective Optimization 577 (22)
24.1 Introduction 577 (1)
24.2 Pareto Solutions 578 (3)
24.3 Computing the Pareto Front 581 (4)
24.4 From Multiobjective to 585 (3)
Single-Objective Optimization
24.5 Uncertain Linear Programming Problems 588 (8)
Exercises 596 (3)
References 599 (10)
Index 609