Tropospheric Aerosol-Formation, Transformation, Fate and Impacts
[Book Description]
This volume focuses on the synthesis of emerging knowledge of the atmospheric aerosol systems, assessment of the validity and usefulness of existing frameworks, and the development of robust aerosol system descriptions on scales ranging from the interpretation of laboratory data to assessment of global impacts. Suspended particulate material in the atmosphere gives rise to a number of poorly determined problems of major current concern. Direct and indirect radiative forcing (the ability of aerosol particles to affect the Earth's radiation budget) each carries larger uncertainties than all other agents of climate change. Furthermore, there are significant challenges associated with the uncertainties of the impacts of particulate material on air quality and human health. A significant contributor to these uncertainties is the vast heterogeneity in the distribution of aerosols by virtue of their disparate sources (both primary and secondary) and transformations in the moist oxidising atmosphere. The complexity of aerosol precursors and variability in the oxidising environment leads to a highly variable loading of particles of widely ranging size, age and property.The topics covered in this volume include: * Formation, * Transformation, * Fate, and * Impacts of tropospheric aerosols.
[Table of Contents]
Introductory Lecture
Introductory lecture: Atmospheric organic 9 (16)
aerosols: insights from the combination of
measurements and chemical transport models
Spyros N. Pandis
Neil M. Donahue
Benjamin N. Murphy
Ilona Riipinen
Christos Fountoukis
Eleni Karnezi
David Patoulias
Ksakousti Skyllakou
Quantitative and time-resolved nanoparticle 25 (20)
composition measurements during new
particle formation
Bryan R. Bzdek
Andrew J. Horan
M. Ross Pennington
Joseph W. DePalma
Jun Zhao
Coty N. Jen
David R. Hanson
James N. Smith
Peter H. McMurry
Murray V. Johnston
Regional and global impacts of Criegee 45 (30)
intermediates on atmospheric sulphuric acid
concentrations and first steps of aerosol
Carl J. Percival
Oliver Welz
Arkke J. Eskola
John D. Savee
David L. Osborn
David O. Topping
Douglas Lowe
Steven R. Utembe
Asan Bacak
Gordon M Figgans
Michael C. Cooke
Ping Xiao
Alexander T. Archibald
Michael E. Jenkin
Richard G. Derwent
Ilona Riipinen
Daniel W. K. Mok
Edmond P. F. Lee
John M. Dyke
Craig A. Taatjes
Dudley E. Shallcross
Comparing simulated and experimental 75 (16)
molecular cluster distributions
Tinja Olenius
Siegfried Schobesberger
Oona Kupiainen-Maatta
Alessandro Franchin
Heikki Junninen
Ismael K. Ortega
Theo Kurten
Ville Loukonen
Douglas R. Worsnop
Markku Kulmala
Hanna Vehkamaki
How do organic vapors contribute to 91 (14)
new-particle formation?
Neil M. Donahue
Ismael K. Ortega
Wayne Chuang
Ilona Riipinen
Francesco Riccobono
Siegfried Schobesberger
Josef Dommen
Urs Baltensperger
Markku Kulmala
Douglas R. Worsnop
Hanna Vehkamaki
Modeling the influence of alkane molecular 105(18)
structure on secondary organic aerosol
Bernard Aumont
Marie Camredon
Camille Mouchel-Vallon
Stephanie La
Farida Ouzebidour
Richard Valorso
Julia Lee-Taylor
Sasha Madronich
Organic aerosol formation photo-enhanced by 123(12)
the formation of secondary photosensitizers
in aerosols
Kifle Z. Aregahegn
Barbara Noziere
Christian George
Halogen-induced organic aerosol (XOA): a 135(46)
study on ultra-fine particle formation and
time-resolved chemical characterization
Johannes Ofner
Katharina A. Kamilli
Andreas Held
Bernhard Lendl
Cornelius Zetzsch
General discussion 151(30)
Average chemical properties and potential 181(22)
formation pathways of highly oxidized
organic aerosol
Kelly E. Daumit
Sean H. Kessler
Jesse H. Kroll
Atmospheric aerosols in Amazonia and land 203(34)
use change: from natural biogenic to
biomass burning conditions
Paulo Artaxo
Luciana V. Rizzo
Joel F. Brito
Henrique M. J. Barbosa
Andrea Arana
Elisa T. Sena
Glauber G. Cirino
Wanderlei Bastos
Scot T. Martin
Meinrat O. Andreae
Sulfate radical-initiated formation of 237(24)
isoprene-derived organosulfates in
atmospheric aerosols
J. Schindelka
Y. linuma
D. Hoffmann
H. Herrmann
Formation of secondary organic aerosol 261(12)
marker compounds from the photooxidation of
isoprene and isoprene-derived alkene diols
under low-NOx conditions
Wu Wang
Yoshiteru linuma
Ariane Kahnt
Oxana Ryabtsova
Anke Mutzel
Reinhilde Vermeylen
Pieter Van der Veken
Willy Maenhaut
Hartmut Herrmann
Magda Claeys
Including phase separation in a unified 273(16)
model to calculate partitioning of vapours
to mixed inorganic-organic aerosol particles
David Topping
Mark Barley
Gordon McFiggans
Morphologies of mixed 289(54)
organic/inorganic/aqueous aerosol droplets
Mijung Song
Claudia Marcolli
Ulrich K. Krieger
Daniel M. Lienhard
Thomas Peter
General discussion 317(26)
Fluorescent lifetime imaging of atmospheric 343(14)
aerosols: a direct probe of aerosol
Neveen A. Hosny
Clare Fitzgerald
Changlun Tong
Markus Kalberer
Marina K. Kuimova
Francis D. Pope
Aqueous aerosol SOA formation: impact on 357(12)
aerosol physical properties
Joseph L. Woo
Derek D. Kim
Allison N. Schwier
Ruizhi Li
V. Faye McNeill
The effects of aircraft on climate and 369(14)
pollution. Part II: 20-year impacts of
exhaust from all commercial aircraft
worldwide treated individually at the
subgrid scale
M. Z. Jacobson
J. T. Wilkerson
A. D. Naiman
S. K. Lele
Contact freezing efficiency of mineral dust 383(8)
aerosols studied in an electrodynamic
balance: quantitative size and temperature
dependence for illite particles
Nadine Hoffmann
Denis Duft
Alexei Kiselev
Thomas Leisner
Kinetic limitations in gas-particle 391(16)
reactions arising from slow diffusion in
secondary organic aerosol
Shouming Zhou
Manabu Shiraiwa
Robert D. McWhinney
Ulrich Poschl
Jonathan P. D. Abbatt
Tropospheric aerosol as a reactive 407(40)
Agustin J. Colussi
Shinichi Enami
Akihiro Yabushita
Michael R. Hoffmann
Wei-Guang Liu
Himanshu Mishra
William A. Goddard III
General discussion 421(26)
Online and offline mass spectrometric study 447(26)
of the impact of oxidation and ageing on
glyoxal chemistry and uptake onto ammonium
sulfate aerosols
Jacqueline F. Hamilton
M. Teresa Baeza-Romero
Emanuela Finessi
Andrew R. Rickard
Robert M. Healy
Salvatore Peppe
Thomas J. Adams
Mark J. S. Daniels
Stephen M. Ball
Iain C. A. Goodall
Paul S. Monks
Esther Borras
Amalia Munoz
Brown carbon formation from ketoaldehydes 473(22)
of biogenic monoterpenes
Tran B. Nguyen
Alexander Laskin
Julia Laskin
Sergey A. Nizkorodov
The magnitude and sources of uncertainty in 495(18)
global aerosol
Kenneth S. Carslaw
Lindsay A. Lee
Carly L. Reddington
Graham W. Mann
Kirsty J. Pringle
A water activity based model of 513(45)
heterogeneous ice nucleation kinetics for
freezing of water and aqueous solution
Daniel A. Knopf
Peter A. Alpert
General discussion 535(23)
Concluding remarks: challenges for 558(5)
aerosols and climate
D. M. Murphy
Poster titles 563(4)
List of participants 567(4)
Index of contributors 571