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Combustion for Material Synthesis
发布日期:2015-12-08  浏览

Combustion for Material Synthesis


Exposes a Powerful Material-Making Tool Dedicated to the physical, chemical, and structural transformations that take place during combustion synthesis (CS) of advanced materials, Combustion for Material Synthesis analyzes the nature of solid flame phenomenon and provides readers with undisputed proof that 'fire' is a powerful tool used in making materials. Of interest to specialists in the field of materials engineering, this book explores the physical and chemical principles of synthesis of materials in the self-sustained combustion mode. It describes mechanisms for a variety of solid-solid and gas-solid reactions and examines structure and properties of different materials produced by CS. The authors discuss a wide range of topics, including phenomenology, theory, experimental methods and observations, as well as properties of the product synthesized and approaches for large-scale materials production using the combustion synthesis technique. They examine conventional concepts and present recent breakthroughs in the field of materials synthesis by rapid self-sustained reactions that include fabrication of different nanomaterials.They compare CS with other methods, factoring in different types of combustion processes, including processes that can occur in a vacuum, inert gas, or oxygen-free atmosphere. Covering research on topics that have been around for a while, but not widely circulated, this work: * Outlines in detail both fundamental aspects of CS, including modern theoretical approaches and advanced in situ experimental methods * Examines the advantages and disadvantages, achievements, and challenges remained in heterogeneous combustion used for material synthesis * Explores the emergence of a new fundamental direction in material science, i.e., structural macrokinetics * Details new technologies that are based on fundamental scientific discoveries and innovative scientific ideas * Analyzes structure and properties of variety of CS materials, including nanomaterials Authored by world-recognized specialists in the field of combustion synthesis for advanced materials, Combustion for Material Synthesis presents the state of the art in R&D in the field of CS, focusing on the fabrication of novel materials.It is intended for researchers, engineers, and graduate students from different disciplines and is also suggested as recommended reading for materials science courses.


1 Self-propagating High-temperature            1  (43)
    Synthesis: History and Present
      1.1 Discovery                                1  (3)
      1.2 Gasless combustion synthesis             4  (5)
      1.3 Combustion synthesis with                9  (2)
      gasification of the reagents
      1.4 Combustion synthesis in gas--solid       11 (7)
      1.5 Combustion synthesis with a reduction    18 (7)
      stage: the thermite type systems and
      1.6 Combustion synthesis with inorganic      25 (2)
      compounds as precursors
      1.7 Thermal decomposition of complex         27 (5)
      1.8 Solution combustion synthesis            32 (2)
      1.9 Mechanical activation of initial         34 (3)
      powder mixtures for SHS
      1.10 Reactive multilayer nanofilms (foils)   37 (7)
    2 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of SHS           44 (81)
      2.1 Introduction                             44 (1)
      2.2 Thermodynamics and driving force of      45 (45)
      SHS processes
        2.2.1 Thermodynamics of SHS systems        45 (1) General principles                 45 (9) Equilibrium, reversibility,        54 (5)
        stationary and stability of the SHS
        processes and products The equilibrium composition of     59 (6)
        the SHS products and the adiabatic
        combustion temperature Examples of thermodynamic          65 (12)
        calculations for SHS systems
        2.2.2 Thermodynamics of the                77 (9)
        preheating--reaction zone
        2.2.3 The thermodynamics of the            86 (4)
        reaction cell
      2.3 Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions      90 (35)
        2.3.1 Solid-state reactions                93 (7)
        2.3.2 Solid--gas reactions                 100(15)
        2.3.3 Reactions with the liquid phase      115(1)
        2.3.4 Reactions with gasification of       116(3)
        the initial solid phase reagent
        2.3.5 Methods of high-temperature          119(6)
        kinetics of heterogeneous reactions
    3 Theory of Structural Macrokinetics           125(80)
      3.1 Introduction: The concept of             125(3)
      structural macrokinetics
      3.2 Macrokinetics of thermal explosion       128(8)
      3.3 Macrokinetics of combustion              136(32)
        3.3.1 Homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous    136(13)
        combustion models
        3.3.2 Microheterogeneous combustion        149(19)
        theory of gasless systems
      3.4 Theoretical models of structure          168(35)
      formation in SHS
        3.4.1 Structure formation in gasless       168(1)
        combustion General concepts                   168(1) Mass transport of reagents in      169(4)
        the reaction cell: melt spreading Transport of reagents in the       173(3)
        reaction cell: capillary impregnation Transport of reagents in the       176(2)
        reaction cell: coalescence of the
        droplets Transport of reactants in a        178(12)
        reaction cell: mass transfer in the gas
        phase Evolution of the product           190(1)
        microstructure in the post combustion
        zone (secondary structure formation)
        3.4.2 Structure formation in hybrid        191(3)
        solid--gas systems Model of structure formation       194(5)
        during combustion of metals with
        nitrogen Models of structure formation      199(4)
        during combustion of non-metals in
      3.5 Conclusion                               203(2)
    4 Experimental Structural Macrokinetics of     205(126)
    SHS Processes
      4.1 Experimental methods                     205(16)
        4.1.1 Basic principles of experimental     205(3)
        diagnostics of SHS processes
        4.1.2 Combustion wave velocity and         208(2)
        temperature--time profiles
        4.1.3 Preparation of samples with a        210(3)
        quenched SHS wave
        4.1.4 Experimental modelling of the        213(3)
        reaction cell
        4.1.5 Dynamic electron microscopy          216(1)
        4.1.6 Time-resolved X-ray diffraction      217(4)
        4.1.7 Other methods                        221(1)
      4.2 Experimental results                     221(110)
        4.2.1 Dynamics of phase and structural     221(9)
        transformations during the thermal
        explosion mode
        4.2.2 Macrostructure of reacting media     230(13)
        and of combustion front in
        self-propagating mode
        4.2.3 Gasless combustion: evolution of     243(1)
        micro- and crystal structures Primary structure formation        243(19) Post-combustion processes and      262(6)
        secondary structure formation
        4.2.4 Evolution of the microstructure      268(1)
        and phase composition and crystal
        structure during infiltration combustion Titanium--nitrogen system          268(7) Niobium--nitrogen system           275(6) Aluminium--nitrogen system         281(4) Silicon--nitrogen system           285(9) Boron--nitrogen system             294(4)
        4.2.5 Experimental data on the             298(12)
        thermite-type systems
        4.2.6 Experimental data on sol--gel        310(5)
        4.2.7 Experimental data on mechanically    315(6)
        activated systems
        4.2.8 Experimental data on the reactive    321(6)
        multilayer nanofilms
        4.2.9 Thermal microstructure of the        327(4)
        combustion wave
    5 Commercialization and Industrial             331(26)
    Applications of SHS Products
      5.1 Introduction                             331(1)
      5.2 Powders and cakes                        332(10)
      5.3 Ceramic materials                        342(7)
      5.4 Cermets and functionally graded          349(2)
      5.5 Products of SHS metallurgy               351(1)
      5.6 Application of multilayer reaction       352(2)
      5.7 Conclusion                               354(3)
Endnotes                                           357(2)
References                                         359(35)
Index                                              394


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