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Understanding Organizations : Theories and Images
发布日期:2015-12-24  浏览

Understanding Organizations : Theories and Images

[Book Description]

Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here Understanding Organizations: Theories and Images introduces students to the key principles of understanding, designing, and managing organizations in an accessible and practical way. The book provides a conceptual toolkit containing the essential models, theories and concepts needed for working in, managing and evaluating organizations. Key Features: * Insightful anecdotes discuss how for- and not-for profit organizations fit within our current society from a social and economic perspective. * Theoretical framework and multi-perspective approach focuses on economics, institutionalism and evolution theory highlighting the relationship between organizations, employees and the broader society. * Research-focused approach analyses organizational phenomena in light of recent studies. This textbook is ideal for undergraduates and postgraduates studying general management, organizational theory, organizational design, and organizational sociology. Visit the Companion Website at www.sagepub.co.uk/staber

[Table of Contents]
Preface                                            vi
    1 Introduction: Organizations Matter           1  (29)
    2 Theorizing Organizations                     30 (31)
    3 Contexts and Environments                    61 (29)
    4 Space and Spatiality                         90 (25)
    5 Time and Temporality                         115(28)
    6 Structure and Structuring                    143(29)
    7 Knowledge and Understanding                  172(28)
    8 Conclusion: Private Problems and Public      200(33)
Glossary                                           233(8)
References                                         241(24)
Index                                              265


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