Extraordinary Cities : Millennia of Moral Syndromes, World-Systems and City/State Relations
[Book Description]
Accepting that cities are extraordinary, this book provides an original city-centred narrative of human creativity, past, present and future. In this innovative, ambitious and wide-ranging book, Peter Taylor demonstrates that cities are the epicenters of human advancement. In exploring cities as sites through which economies flourish, by harnessing the creative potential of myriad communication networks, the author considers cities from varying temporal and spatial perspectives. Four stories of cities are told: the origins of city networks; the domination of cities by world-empires; the genesis of a singular modern creative interval in which innovation culminates in today's globalised cities; and finally, the need for cities to act as centres for human creativity to produce a more resilient global society in the current crisis century. Providing a long-term view through which to consider the role of cities in attending to incipient crises of the twenty-first century, this closely argued thesis will prove essential for students and scholars of urban studies, geography and sociology, and all with a professional interest in, or personal fascination for, cities.
[Table of Contents]
Preface vii
Part I Setting Down And Setting Up
1 A cities' perspective 3 (28)
2 Conceptual toolkits 31 (62)
Part II Narrative I: Beginning Conjectures
3 City and state beginnings: Western Asia's 93 (40)
great creative interlude
4 Geographies of beginning creative interludes 133(48)
Part III Narrative II: World-Systems
5 Normal history 181(49)
6 Making the modern world-system: Western 230(67)
Europe's great creative interlude
Part IV Narrative III: Prospective
Conjectures-Where Are We And Where Are We Going?
7 Working in an urban world 297(52)
8 Towards green networks of cities for the 349(31)
twenty-first century
References 380(27)
Cities index 407(9)
General index 416