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发布日期:2016-06-03  浏览


Part 1 English Poetry Before Renaissance Period 
Chapter i Anglo—Saxon Poetry 
Chapter 2 Anglo—Norman Poetry: The Romance 
Chapter 3 Geoffrey Chaucer 
The General Prologue 
Chapter 4 The Fifteenth—centuryPoetry 
Robin Hood and the Bishop 
Part 2 English Poetry in the Renaissance Period 
Chapter 1 Sir Thomas Wyatt 
Chapter 2 Henry Howard,Earl of Surrey 
Love,That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought 
Chapter 3 Edmund Spenser 
Sonnet 34 
Sonnet 75 
Chapter 4 Sir Walter Raleigh 
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd 
Chapter 5 Sir Philip Sidney 
The Nightingale 
Chapter 6 Christopher Marlowe 
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 
Chapter 7 William Shakespeare 
Sonnet 1 
Sonnet 18 
Sonnet 29 
Chapter8 Benlonson 
Song: To Celia 
Part 3 English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century 
Chapter i Metaphysical Poets(1): John Donne 
The Flea 
Death,Be Not Proud 
Chapter 2 Metaphysical Poets(2): George Herbert 
Easter Wings 
Chapter 3 Metaphysical Poets(3): Andrew Marvell 
To His Coy Mistress 
Chapter 4 Cavalier Poets(1): Robert Herrick 
To the Virgins,to Make Much of Time 
Chapter 5 Cavalier Poets(2): Sir John Suckling and Richard Lovelace 
The Constant Lover 
To Lucasta,Going to the Wars 
Chapter 6 John Milton 
Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint 
Paradise Lost 
Part 4 English Poetry of the Eighteenth Century 
Chapter I Alexander Pope 
An Essay on Criticism 
Chapter 2 Thomas Gray 
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 
Chapter 3 Oliver Goldsmith 
The Deserted Village 
Chapter 4 William Blake 
The Chimney Swee er 
Chapter 5 Robert Burns 
A Man's a Man for a' That 
A Red,Red Rose 
Part 5 English Poetry of the Romantic Period 
Chapter 1 William Wordsworth 
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 
The Solitary Reaper 
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 
Chapter 2 SamuelTaylor Coleridge 
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 
Chapter 3 George Gordon Byron 
When We Two Parted 
The Isles of Greece 
Chapter4 Percy Bysshe Shelley 
Ode to the West Wind 
Chapter 5)ohn Keats 
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 
To Autumn 
Ode to a Nightingale 
Part 6 English Poetry of the Victorian Period 
Chapter 1 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 
Sonnet 14 
Sonnet 43 
Chapter 2 Alfred Tennyson 
Chapter 3 Robert Browning 
My Last Duchess 
Home—Thoughts,from Abroad 
Chapter 4 Matthew Arnold 
Dover Beach 
Part 7 English Poetry of the Twentieth Century 
Chapter I Thomas Hardy 
The Darkling Thrush 
Chapter 2 Gerard Manley Hopkins 
God's Grandeur 
Chapter 3 Alfred Edward Housman 
When I Was One—and—Twenty 
Loveliest of Trees 
Chapter 4 William Butler Yeats 
When You Are Old 
The Lake Isle of Innisfree 
Chapter 5 Thomas Stearns Eliot 
The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock 
Chapter 6 Wystan Hugh Auden 
Chapter 7 Philip Larkin 
Chapter 8 DylanThomas 
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 
Chapter 9 Ted Hughes 
Hawk Roosting 
Chapter 10 Seamus Heaney 




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