Greek Capitalism in Crisis : Marxist Analyses
[Book Description]
Despite the depth of the Greek crisis, the exorbitant burdens placed upon the working people and the massive popular resistance movement to capitalist policies, there is a definite lack of consistently Marxist analyses of the Greek problem. International debates regarding the Greek crisis have been dominated by orthodox (Neoclassical and neo-Keynesian) approaches. The heterodox side of these debates has been occupied by Radical Political Economy approaches (usually radical post-Keynesian or Marxo-Keynesian perspectives). Moreover, they are dominated by the 'financialisation' thesis which is quite alien to Marxism, neglects the sphere of production and professes that the global crisis is simply a financial crisis that has nothing to do with 'real' accumulation and the profit rate. This book argues that by emphasising the sphere of production and profitability, classical Marxist analysis better explains the Greek crisis than its orthodox and heterodox competitors. The contributors present critiques of the prevalent approaches and offer studies of the Greek crisis that use the methodology and the analytical and empirical tools of classical Marxist Political Economy.In particular, it is shown that the Greek crisis was caused by falling profitability and the ensuing overaccumulation crisis. The 'broad unequal exchange' existing between the euro-center and the euro-periphery contributed to Greek capital's falling profitability. This book enriches the debate about the Greek economic crisis by demonstrating the insights that can be drawn by considering the Marxist alternative to the dominant mainstream and heterodox approaches.
[Table of Contents]
List of figures xvii
List of tables xix
Notes on contributors xxi
List of abbreviations xxv
Introduction 1 (6)
Stavros Mavroudeas
PART I Critiques of Mainstream and Heterodox 7 (96)
analyses of the Greek problem
1 Mainstream accounts of the Greek crisis: 9 (24)
more heat than light?
Stavros Mavroudeas
Dimitris Paitaridis
2 The fiscal crisis in Greece: whose fault? 33 (18)
Thanasis Maniatis
3 Explaining the rising wage--productivity 51 (16)
gap in the Greek economy
Thanasis Maniatis
Costas Passas
4 The Greek EU--IMF Memoranda: a 67 (15)
problematic strategy for Greek capitalism
Demophanes Papadatos
5 Financialisation and the Greek case 82 (21)
Stavros Mavroudeas
PART II Marxist explanations of the Greek 103 (74)
6 The law of the falling rate of profit in 105 (25)
the post-war Greek economy
Thanasis Maniatis
Costas Passas
7 Profitability and crisis in the Greek 130 (23)
economy (1960--2012): an investigation
George Economakis
George Androulakis
Maria Markaki
8 The Greek crisis: a dual crisis of 153 (24)
overaccumulation and imperialist
Stavros Mavroudeas
Dimitris Paitaridis
PART III Crisis, poverty and the labour market 177 (55)
9 Economic crisis, poverty and deprivation 179 (17)
in Greece: the impact of neoliberal remedies
Christos Papatheodorou
10 A comparative study of aspects of 196 (16)
employment and unemployment in Greece
before and after the crisis
Alexis Ioannides
11 Recession and atypical employment: a 212 (20)
focus on contemporary Greek metropolitan
Stelios Gialis
Index 232