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Green Chemistry and Engineering : A Pathway to Sustainability
发布日期:2015-12-18  浏览

Green Chemistry and Engineering : A Pathway to Sustainability

[Book Description]

Although many were skeptical of the green chemistry movement at first, it has become a multimillion-dollar business. In preventing the creation of hazardous wastes, laboratories and corporations can save millions in clean up efforts and related health costs. This book supplies students with concepts commonly taught in undergraduate general chemistry and general engineering courses, but with a green perspective. It is unique in presenting an integrated discussion of green chemistry and engineering from first principles - not as an afterthought. Real-world examples show creative problem solving based on the latest issues.

[Table of Contents]
Preface                                            xiii
1 Understanding The Issues                         1   (20)
  1.1 A Brief History of Chemistry                 1   (12)
    1.1.1 Fermentation: An Ancient Chemical        2   (1)
    1.1.2 The Advent of Modern Chemistry           2   (1)
    1.1.3 Chemistry in the 20th Century: The       2   (4)
    Growth of Modern Processes
    1.1.4 Risks of Chemicals in the Environment    6   (5)
    1.1.5 Regulations: Controlling Chemical        11  (2)
  1.2 Twenty-first Century Chemistry, aka Green    13  (5)
    1.2.1 Green Chemistry and Pollution            13  (1)
    1.2.2 Sustainability                           14  (4)
  1.3 Layout of the Book                           18  (1)
  References                                       19  (2)
2 Principles Of Green Chemistry And Green          21  (22)
  2.1 Introduction                                 21  (2)
  2.2 Green Chemistry                              23  (11)
    2.2.1 Definition                               23  (1)
    2.2.2 Principles of Green Chemistry and        24  (7)
    2.2.3 Presidential Green Chemistry             31  (3)
    Challenge Awards
  2.3 Green Engineering                            34  (4)
    2.3.1 Definition                               34  (1)
    2.3.2 Principles of Green Engineering          35  (3)
  2.4 Sustainability                               38  (3)
  References                                       41  (2)
3 Chemistry As An Underlying Force In Ecosystem    43  (30)
  3.1 Nature and the Environment                   44  (17)
    3.1.1 Air and the Atmosphere (Outdoor and      44  (8)
    Indoor Pollution)
    3.1.2 Water (Water Pollutants, Issues          52  (1)
    Associated with Nonpotable Drinking Water)
    3.1.3 Chemistry of the Land                    53  (3)
    3.1.4 Energy                                   56  (5)
  3.2 Pollution Prevention (P2)                    61  (1)
  3.3 Ecotoxicology                                62  (2)
  3.4 Environmental Assessment Analysis            64  (4)
  3.5 What Can You Do to Make a Difference?        68  (2)
  References                                       70  (3)
4 Matter: The Heart Of Green Chemistry             73  (36)
  4.1 Matter: Definition, Classification, and      73  (4)
  the Periodic Table
    4.1.1 Aluminum (Al)                            75  (1)
    4.1.2 Mercury (Hg)                             76  (1)
    4.1.3 Lead (Pb)                                77  (1)
  4.2 Atomic Structure                             77  (2)
  4.3 Three States of Matter                       79  (2)
  4.4 Molecular and Ionic Compounds                81  (19)
    4.4.1 Molecular Compounds                      82  (12)
    4.4.2 Ionic Compounds                          94  (6)
  4.5 Chemical Reactions                           100 (2)
  4.6 Mixtures, Acids, and Bases                   102 (5)
  References                                       107 (2)
5 Chemical Reactions                               109 (30)
  5.1 Definition of Chemical Reactions and         109 (3)
  Balancing of Chemical Equations
  5.2 Chemical Reactions and Quantities of         112 (3)
  Reactants and Products
  5.3 Patterns of Chemical Reactions               115 (20)
    5.3.1 Combination, Synthesis, or Addition      115 (2)
    5.3.2 Decomposition Reactions                  117 (1)
    5.3.3 Elimination Reactions                    117 (1)
    5.3.4 Displacement Reactions                   118 (6)
    5.3.5 Exchange or Substitution Reactions       124 (11)
  5.4 Effectiveness and Efficiency of Chemical     135 (3)
  Reactions: Yield Versus Atom Economy
  Reference                                        138 (1)
6 Kinetics, Catalysis, And Reaction Engineering    139 (58)
  6.1 Basic Concept of Rate                        139 (23)
    6.1.1 Definition of Reaction Rate              139 (3)
    6.1.2 Parallel Reactions                       142 (4)
    6.1.3 Consecutive Reactions                    146 (4)
    6.1.4 Chemical Equilibrium                     150 (3)
    6.1.5 Effect of Concentration on Reaction      153 (6)
    6.1.6 Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate   159 (3)
  6.2 Role of Industrial and Biological            162 (19)
    6.2.1 Definition of Catalysts                  162 (4)
    6.2.2 Catalytic Kinetics                       166 (4)
    6.2.3 Types of Catalysts and Impact on         170 (5)
    Green Chemistry
    6.2.4 Biocatalysis                             175 (6)
  6.3 Reaction Engineering                         181 (13)
    6.3.1 Batch Reactor                            181 (3)
    6.3.2 Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor          184 (4)
    6.3.3 Plug Flow Reactor (PFR)                  188 (3)
    6.3.4 Multiphase Reactor Design                191 (3)
  6.4 Summary                                      194 (1)
  References                                       194 (3)
7 Thermodynamics, Separations, And Equilibrium     197 (38)
  7.1 Ideal Gases                                  197 (4)
  7.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics              201 (4)
    7.2.1 Closed System                            203 (1)
    7.2.2 Open System                              204 (1)
  7.3 Ideal Gas Calculations                       205 (5)
  7.4 Entropy and the Second Law of                210 (4)
  7.5 Real Gas Properties                          214 (3)
  7.6 The Phase Diagram                            217 (4)
  7.7 Equilibrium                                  221 (8)
    7.7.1 The Flash Calculation                    227 (2)
  7.8 Solubility of a Gas in a Liquid              229 (1)
  7.9 Solubility of a Solid in a Liquid            230 (3)
  7.10 Summary                                     233 (1)
  References                                       233 (2)
8 Renewable Materials                              235 (28)
  8.1 Introduction                                 235 (1)
  8.2 Renewable Feedstocks                         236 (15)
    8.2.1 Role of Biomass and Components           236 (6)
    8.2.2 Production of Chemicals from             242 (9)
    Renewable Resources
  8.3 Applications of Renewable Materials          251 (10)
    8.3.1 The Case of Biodegradable Plastics       251 (3)
    8.3.2 The Case of Compostable Chemicals        254 (1)
    8.3.3 Production of Ethanol from Biomass       254 (2)
    8.3.4 The Case of Flex-Fuel Vehicles           256 (2)
    8.3.5 Production of Biodiesel                  258 (3)
  8.4 Conclusion                                   261 (1)
  References                                       261 (2)
9 Current And Future State Of Energy Production    263 (24)
And Consumption
  9.1 Introduction                                 263 (4)
  9.2 Basic Thermodynamic Functions and            267 (5)
  9.3 Other Chemical Processes for Energy          272 (3)
    9.3.1 Microwave-Assisted Reactions             272 (1)
    9.3.2 Sonochemistry                            273 (1)
    9.3.3 Electrochemistry                         273 (1)
    9.3.4 Photochemistry and Photovoltaic Cells    274 (1)
  9.4 Renewable Sources of Energy in the 21st      275 (10)
  Century and Beyond
    9.4.1 Solar Energy                             275 (4)
    9.4.2 Wind Power                               279 (2)
    9.4.3 Geothermal Solution                      281 (2)
    9.4.4 Hydropower                               283 (1)
    9.4.5 The Case of Hydrogen Technology          284 (1)
    9.4.6 Bathers to Development                   285 (1)
  9.5 Concluding Thoughts About Sources of         285 (1)
  Energy and their Future
  References                                       286 (1)
10 The Economics Of Green And Sustainable          287 (38)
          David E. Meyer
          Michael A. Gonzalez
    10.1 Introduction                              287 (2)
    10.2 Chemical Manufacturing and Economic       289 (4)
      10.2.1 Plant (Microscale) Scale Economics    290 (1)
      10.2.2 Corporate Economics                   290 (2)
      10.2.3 Macroeconomics                        292 (1)
    10.3 Economic Impact of Green Chemistry        293 (13)
    10.4 Business Strategies Regarding             306 (4)
    Application of Green Chemistry
    10.5 Incorporation of Green Chemistry in       310 (7)
    Process Design for Sustainability
    10.6 Case Studies Demonstrating the            317 (4)
    Economic Benefits of Green Chemistry and
    10.7 Summary                                   321 (1)
    References                                     322 (3)
11 Green Chemistry And Toxicology                  325 (30)
          Dale E. Johnson
          Grace L. Anderson
    11.1 Introduction                              325 (1)
    11.2 Fundamental Principles of Toxicology      326 (9)
      11.2.1 Basic Concepts                        326 (4)
      11.2.2 Toxicokinetics                        330 (3)
      11.2.3 Cellular Toxicity                     333 (2)
    11.3 Identifying Chemicals of Concern          335 (4)
      11.3.1 Mode of Action Approaches             336 (1)
      11.3.2 Adverse Outcome Pathways              337 (1)
      11.3.3 Threshold of Toxicological Concern    338 (1)
      11.3.4 Chemistry-Linked-to-Toxicity:         338 (1)
      Structural Alerts and Mechanistic Domains
    11.4 Toxicology Data                           339 (2)
      11.4.1 Authoritative Sources of              339 (1)
      11.4.2 Data Gaps: The Challenge and the      340 (1)
      Opportunity Arising from New Technologies
    11.5 Computational Toxicology and Green        341 (5)
      11.5.1 Tools for Predictions and Modeling    341 (5)
      11.5.2 Interoperability of Models for        346 (1)
      Decision Making and the Case for Metadata
    11.6 Applications of Toxicology into Green     346 (3)
    Chemistry Initiatives
      11.6.1 REACH                                 346 (2)
      11.6.2 State of California Green             348 (1)
      Chemistry Initiatives
    11.7 Future Perspectives                       349 (1)
    References                                     350 (5)
Index                                              355


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