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Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance
发布日期:2015-12-08  浏览

Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance


Aligning global governance to the challenges of sustainability is one of the most urgent environmental issues to be addressed. This book is a timely and up-to-date compilation of the main pieces of the global environmental governance puzzle. The book is comprised of 101 entries, each defining a central concept in global environmental governance, presenting its historical evolution, introducing related debates and including key bibliographical references and further reading. The entries combine analytical rigour with empirical description. The book: * offers cutting edge analysis of the state of global environmental governance, * raises an up-to-date debate on global governance for sustainable development, * gives an in-depth exploration of current international architecture of global environmental governance, * examines the interaction between environmental politics and other fields of governance such as trade, development and security, * elaborates a critical review of the recent literature in global environmental governance. This unique work synthesizes writing from an internationally diverse range of well-known experts in the field of global environmental governance.Innovative thinking and high-profile expertise come together to create a volume that is accessible to students, scholars and practitioners alike.


Preface: 101 shades of green in a pink jacket      xi
        List of abbreviations                      xiii
Timeline of selected international                 xvi
environmental agreements
    Adaptation                                     1   (1)
          Eric E. Massey
    Aid                                            2   (3)
          Asa Persson
    Antarctic Treaty regime                        5   (2)
          Alan D. Hemmings
    Arctic Council                                 7   (2)
          Olav Schram Stokke
    Assessments                                    9   (2)
          Joyeeta Gupta
    Audits                                         11  (2)
          Olivier Boiral
          Inaki Heras-Saizarbitoria
    Biodiversity regime                            13  (3)
          G. Kristin Rosendal
    Boundary organizations                         16  (2)
          Maria Carmen Lemos
          Christine Kirchhoff
    Business and corporations                      18  (3)
          Doris Fuchs
          Bastian Knebel
    Carrying capacities paradigm                   21  (3)
          Nathan F. Sayre
          Adam Romero
    Cites                                          24  (2)
          Daniel Compagnon
    Climate change regime                          26  (3)
          Harro van Asselt
    Commission on Sustainable Development          29  (2)
          Lynn M. Wagner
    Common but differentiated responsibility       31  (3)
          Steve Vanderheiden
    Common heritage of mankind                     34  (3)
          Scott J. Shackelford
    Compliance and implementation                  37  (3)
          Sandrine Maljean-Dubois
    Conservation and preservation                  40  (2)
          Jean-Frederic Morin
          Amandine Orsini
    Corporate social responsibility                42  (3)
          Jennifer Clapp
          Ian H. Rowlands
    Critical political economy                     45  (2)
          Peter Newell
    Deep ecology                                   47  (1)
          Andrew Dobson
    Desertification Convention                     48  (3)
          Steffen Bauer
    Disasters                                      51  (2)
          Raymond Murphy
    Dispute resolution mechanisms                  53  (2)
          Carrie Menkel-Meadow
    Dumping                                        55  (2)
          Josue Mathieu
    Ecocentrism                                    57  (2)
          Sheryl D. Breen
    Ecofeminism                                    59  (2)
          Charlotte Bretherton
    Ecological modernization                       61  (1)
          Maarten Hajer
    Ecosystem services (payments for)              62  (2)
          Stefanie Engel
    Effectiveness                                  64  (3)
          Detlef F. Sprinz
    Emerging countries                             67  (2)
          Ana Flavia Barros-Platiau
          Amandine Orsini
    Epistemic communities                          69  (3)
          Mai'a K. Davis Cross
    Fisheries governance                           72  (2)
          Elizabeth R. DeSombre
    Gaia theory                                    74  (2)
          Karen Litfin
    Global deliberative democracy                  76  (3)
          John Dryzek
    Global Environment Facility                    79  (3)
          Benjamin Denis
    Global environmental governance studies        82  (2)
          Oran R. Young
    Global public good                             84  (2)
          Selim Louafi
    Grassroots movements                           86  (2)
          Brian Doherty
    Green democracy                                88  (2)
          Robyn Eckersley
    Hazardous Chemicals Convention                 90  (1)
          Peter Hough
    Hazardous wastes regime                        91  (2)
          Henrik Selin
    Human and environmental rights                 93  (2)
          Sophie Lavallee
    Indigenous peoples and local communities       95  (3)
          Marc Hufty
    Influential individuals                        98  (3)
          Bob Reinalda
    Institutional interactions                     101 (3)
          Sebastian Oberthur
          Thijs Van de Graaf
    International Whaling Commission               104 (3)
          Steinar Andresen
    Justice                                        107 (2)
          Katia Vladimirova
    Kuznets curve (environmental)                  109 (2)
          David I. Stern
    Labeling and certification                     111 (2)
          Benjamin Cashore
          Graeme Auld
          Stefan Renckens
    Law of the Sea Convention                      113 (1)
          Jaye Ellis
    Least developed countries                      114 (3)
          Alexandra Hofer
    Liability                                      117 (2)
          Cymie R. Payne
    Liberal environmentalism                       119 (3)
          Steven Bernstein
    Markets                                        122 (3)
          Matthew Paterson
    Migrants                                       125 (3)
          Francois Gemenne
    Military conflicts                             128 (2)
          Maya Jegen
    Negotiating coalitions                         130 (4)
          Pamela Chasek
    Nongovernmental organizations                  134 (3)
          Michele M. Betsill
    Nonregimes                                     137 (3)
          Radoslav S. Dimitrov
    Ozone regime                                   140 (4)
          David L. Downie
    Participation                                  144 (2)
          Philippe Le Prestre
    Partnerships                                   146 (4)
          Liliana Andonova
          Manoela Assayag
    Persistent Organic Pollutants Convention       150 (2)
          Jessica Templeton
    Policy diffusion                               152 (3)
          Katja Biedenkopf
    Polluter pays principle                        155 (1)
          Nicolas de Sadeleer
    Population sustainability                      156 (2)
          Diana Coole
    Post-environmentalism                          158 (2)
          Chiara Certoma
    Precautionary principle                        160 (3)
          Aarti Gupta
    Preventive action principle                    163 (2)
          Helene Trudeau
    Private regimes                                165 (2)
          Jessica F. Green
    Redd                                           167 (2)
          Heike Schroeder
    Reflexive governance                           169 (2)
          Tom Dedeurwaerdere
    Regimes                                        171 (1)
          Amandine Orsini
          Jean-Frederic Morin
    Regional governance                            172 (3)
          Tom Delreux
    Reporting                                      175 (3)
          Klaus Dingwerth
    Risk society                                   178 (1)
          Ulrich Beck
    Scale                                          179 (2)
          Kate O'Neill
    Scarcity and conflicts                         181 (3)
          Alexis Carles
    Scenarios                                      184 (2)
          Stacy D. VanDeveer
          Simone Pulver
    Science                                        186 (3)
          Tim Forsyth
    Secretariats                                   189 (2)
          Bernd Siebenhuner
    Security                                       191 (2)
          Hiroshi Ohta
    Shaming                                        193 (2)
          Charlotte Epstein
    Sovereignty                                    195 (3)
          Jean-Frederic Morin
          Amandine Orsini
    Summit diplomacy                               198 (3)
          Arild Underdal
    Sustainable development                        201 (3)
          Edwin Zaccai
    Taxation                                       204 (3)
          Bernard P. Herber
    Technology transfer                            207 (3)
          Joanna I. Lewis
    Thermoeconomics                                210 (2)
          Kozo Mayumi
    Tragedy of the commons                         212 (3)
          Thomas Falk
          Bjorn Vollan
          Michael Kirk
    Transboundary air pollution regime             215 (2)
          Delphine Misonne
    Transboundary water regime                     217 (3)
          Shlomi Dinar
    Transgovernmental networks                     220 (2)
          Harriet Bulkeley
    Transnational crime                            222 (2)
          Lorraine Elliott
    Transparency                                   224 (3)
          Michael Mason
    Treaty negotiations                            227 (2)
          Daniel Compagnon
    United Nations Environment Programme           229 (3)
          Steffen Bauer
    Wetlands Convention                            232 (2)
          Royal Gardner
    World Bank                                     234 (2)
          Susan Park
    World Environment Organization                 236 (3)
          Frank Biermann
    World Trade Organization                       239 (4)
          Fariborz Zelli
Index                                              243


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