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Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050
发布日期:2015-11-26  浏览

Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050


What would it be like to live in a low carbon world? Where our houses are heated not by gas, but by solar energy; where our cars run not on oil but on electricity; and where the countryside is empty of cows but full of new energy and food crops. Governments may talk about reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by eighty per cent by 2050, but any pursuit of significant change will require drastic changes in either our energy supply or our lifestyles, or preferably a combination of both. Combining theory, case studies and speculative fiction, a range of contributors, from leading UK academics to pioneering renewable activists, create a compelling picture of the potential perks and pitfalls of a low carbon future.


 List of Tables and Figures                 vii
Series Editor Preface                              ix
Notes on Contributors                              xii
    1 Introduction                                 1  (14)
          Horace Herring
  Part I Policy
    2 What is a Low-Carbon Society?                15 (13)
          Stephen Peake
    3 Low-Carbon Living in 2050                    28 (13)
          Nicola Hole
    4 What is the Carbon Footprint of a Decent     41 (19)
          Angela Druckman
          Tim Jackson
    5 Transport and Mobility Choices in 2050       60 (15)
          Stephen Potter
    6 A Low-Carbon Transition                      75 (20)
          Neil Strachan
          Timothy J. Foxon
  Part II Case Studies
    7 Case Studies in Low-Carbon Living            95 (26)
          Robin Roy
    8 Designing and Creating my Low-Carbon Home    121(8)
          Catherine Mitchell
    9 Land Use Scenario 2050                       129(20)
          Grace Crabb
          Adam Thorogood
    10 Zero-Carbon Britain: Time to say `we        149(15)
          Tanya Hawkes
    11 Low-Carbon Society in Switzerland           164(19)
          Bastien Girod
  Part III Stories
    12 Little Greenham                             183(7)
          James Goodman
    13 The Housing Ladder                          190(8)
          Roger Levett
    14 The Refugee                                 198(12)
          Tanya Hawkes
    15 The Gun and the Sun                         210(8)
          Horace Herring
    16 Conclusion                                  218(11)
          Horace Herring
Index                                              229


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