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Advanced Nano- And Piezoelectric Materials and Their Applications
发布日期:2015-12-08  浏览

Advanced Nano- And Piezoelectric Materials and Their Applications

[Book Description]

The advanced materials and devices based on natechlogy and piezoelectric approaches have found wide applications in modern science and techniques. Tremendous interest to similar studies is supported owing to fast improvement of theoretical, experimental and numerical methods. These achievements expand scientific kwledge on the physical world and provide a forecast on the development of very fine processes and transformations occurring during processing, loading and work of modern materials and devices under critical conditions. The considered specimens demonstrate a broad spectrum of properties in scale from nameters up to macroscopic range. The discussed devices and goods possess very high accuracy, longevity and extended possibilities to work in wide temperature and pressure ranges; they demonstrate characteristics directly defined by developed compositions, technical and techlogical solutions.

[Table of Contents]
Preface                                            vii
    Chapter 1 Compatibility of Chemical            1  (18)
    Elements on Grain Boundaries and Its
    Influence on Wear Resistance of
    Polycrystalline Materials
          Yu. F. Migal
          V. I. Kolesnikov
          E. S. Novikov
    Chapter 2 Development and Study of Silicon     19 (42)
    Dioxide Nanostructured Films Forming on
    Semiconductor Structure Surface
          V. V. Polyakov
    Chapter 3 Methods to Study Modified            61 (28)
    Aluminum Silicates
          V. A. Yavna
          A. S. Kasprzhitskiy
          G. I. Lazorenko
    Chapter 4 Investigations of Defect             89 (20)
    Formation during Sapphire Crystal Growth
          S. P. Malyukov
          Yu. V. Klunnikova
          I. A. Parinov
    Chapter 5 Physics and Design of                109(36)
    Multi-Functional Ceramic Materials with
    Special Electrical and Magnetic Properties
          L. A. Reznichenko
          A. G. Abubakarov
          K. P. Andryushin
          I. N. Andryushina
          V. A. Alyoshin
          N. A. Boldyrev
          I. A. Verbenko
          S. I. Dudkina
          A. A. Pavelko
          A. V. Pavlenko
          H. A. Sadykov
          M. V. Talanov
          S. V. Titov
          V. V. Titov
          A. V. Turik
          L. A. Shilkina
    Chapter 6 New Model for Piezoelectric          145(26)
    Medium with Voids for Application to
    Analysis of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric
    Transducers and Porous Piezocomposites
          G. Iovane
          A. V. Nasedkin
    Chapter 7 Comparative Study of Parametric      171(34)
    Methods for Online Estimating the Frequency
    and Amplitude of Quartz Oscillators
          A. V. Nikitin
          S. V. Iushanov
    Chapter 8 The Limits of Measurements           205(34)
    Accuracy Parameters of Electromagnetic
    Oscillations in Piezoelectric Materials
          V. K. Ignatjev
          A. A. Orlov
          D. A. Stankevich
Index                                              239


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