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Strength of Materials, Second Edition
发布日期:2015-12-08  浏览

Strength of Materials, Second Edition

[Book Description]

Ideal for undergraduate students from all branches of engineering, this simple and easy-to-understand text provides comprehensive coverage of the strength of materials, covering stresses and strains, shear force and bending, torsion, deflection, and strain energy as well as closed-coil helical springs, columns and struts, and thick and thin cylinders. Written in a clear and student-friendly manner, the book includes numerous questions, solved problems, and representative diagrams.

[Table of Contents]
1 Simple Stresses and Strains                      1  (92)
  1.1 Introduction                                 1  (1)
  1.2 General Meaning of Stress and Strain         1  (1)
    1.2.1 Concept of Stress                        1  (1)
    1.2.2 Concept of Strain                        2  (1)
  1.3 Types of Stresses                            2  (1)
    1.3.1 Tensile Stress                           2  (1)
    1.3.2 Compressive Stress                       2  (1)
    1.3.3 Shear Stress                             3  (1)
  1.4 Types of Material                            3  (1)
    1.4.1 Elastic Materials                        3  (1)
    1.4.2 Plastic Materials                        4  (1)
    1.4.3 Ductile Materials                        4  (1)
    1.4.4 Brittle Materials                        4  (1)
  1.5 Hooke's Law                                  4  (1)
  1.6 Change in Length of a Simple Bar when        4  (1)
  Subjected to Load P
  1.7 Behaviour of Ductile Materials Under         5  (1)
  Tension or Tension Test on Mild Steel
  1.8 Calculation of Different Stresses from       6  (1)
  Stress - Strain Curve
  1.9 Stress-Strain Curve for Brittle Material     6  (1)
  1.10 Factor of Safety                            7  (1)
  1.11 Stress and Strain in Bars with              8  (2)
  Cross-sections Varying in Steps in Series
  [Compound Bar]
    1.11.1 All Sections Subjected to Same Load     8  (1)
    1.11.2 Sections Subjected to Different         9  (1)
    Loads at Junctions
  1.12 Elongation of Tapering Rod                  10 (2)
    1.12.1 Circular Cross-section                  10 (1)
    1.12.2 Rectangular Section                     11 (1)
  1.13 Stress and Strain in Composite Bars         12 (1)
  Rigidly Connected in Parallel
  1.14 Modular Ration                              13 (1)
  1.15 Temperature Stresses and Strains in         13 (1)
  Simple Bar
  1.16 Temperature Stresses in Composite Bar       14 (1)
  1.17 Concept of Strain                           15 (2)
    1.17.1 Longitudinal or Linear Strain           15 (1)
    1.17.2 Lateral Strain                          15 (1)
    1.17.3 Volumetric Strain                       16 (1)
    1.17.4 Shear Strain                            17 (1)
    1.17.5 Shear Modulus or Modulus of Rigidity    17 (1)
  1.18 Poisson's Ratio                             17 (1)
  1.19 Concept of Uniaxial, Biaxial and            18 (1)
  Triaxial Loading
  1.20 Calculation of Different Strains in         19 (1)
  Uniaxial Loading
  1.21 Calculation of Different Strains in         19 (2)
  Biaxial Loading
  1.22 Calculations of Different Strains in        21 (1)
  Triaxial Loading
  1.23 Bulk Modulus                                22 (51)
      Solved Problems                              23 (50)
  1.24 Additional Problems from University         73 (20)
  Question Papers
      Exercise - Theory                            79 (1)
      Exercise - Problems                          80 (13)
2 Shear Force and Bending Moment                   93 (124)
  2.1 Introduction                                 93 (1)
  2.2 Types of Beam                                93 (1)
  2.3 Types of Loads                               94 (1)
  2.4 Types of Supports                            95 (2)
  2.5 Statically Determinate Beam                  97 (1)
  2.6 Shear Force                                  97 (1)
    2.6.1 Definition                               97 (1)
    2.6.2 Sign Convention for Shear Force          97 (1)
  2.7 Bending Moment                               98 (1)
    2.7.1 Definition                               98 (1)
    2.7.2 Sign Convention for Bending Moment       98 (1)
    2.7.3 Sagging and Hogging Bending Moment       98 (1)
  2.8 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams      98 (1)
  2.9 Nature of Shear Force and bending Moment     99 (1)
  2.10 Relation Between Rate of Loading, Shear     99 (1)
  Force and Bending Moment
  2.11 Procedure of Draw Shear Force and           100(5)
  Bending Moment Diagram
  2.12 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram      105(80)
  for Cantilever and Simply Supported Beam for
  Different Types of Loads
    2.12.1 Cantilever Beam Carrying Point Load     105(1)
    at its Free End
    2.12.2 Cantilever Beam Carrying u.d.l. Over    105(1)
    its Entire Span
    2.12.3 A Cantilever Beam Carrying Uniformly    106(1)
    Varying Load, Zero at Fixed End and w/unit
    at the Free End
    2.12.4 A Cantilever Beam Carrying u.v.l.,      107(1)
    Zero at Free End and w/unit at Fixed End
    2.12.5 Cantilever Beam Carrying Couple Mat     108(1)
    its Free End
    2.12.6 Simply Supported Beam Carrying Point    109(1)
    Load at its Centre
    2.12.7 Simply Supported Beam Carrying          110(1)
    Eccentric Loading W
    2.12.8 Simply Supported Beam Carrying          111(1)
    u.d.l. w/unit Over its Entire Span
    2.12.9 Simply Supported Beam Carrying          112(2)
    u.v.l. Zero at One End and w/unit at Other
    2.12.10 Simply Supported Beam Carrying         114(109)
    Couple M at a Distance a from Left End
      Solved Problems                              115(70)
  2.13 Additional Problems from University         185(32)
  Question Papers
      Exercise - Theory                            204(1)
      Exercise - Problems                          204(13)
3 Bending Stresses in Beams                        217(112)
  3.1 Introduction                                 217(1)
  3.2 Concept of Pure Bending                      217(1)
  3.3 Theory of Simple [Pure] Bending              218(1)
  3.4 Assumption Made in Theory of Pure of         218(1)
  Simple Bending
  3.5 Derivation of Flexural Formula               219(2)
  3.6 Moment of Resistance                         221(1)
  3.7 Bending Stress Distribution Diagrams for     222(1)
  Symmetric Section
  3.8 Bending Stress Distribution Diagrams for     222(1)
  unsymmetrical Sections
  3.9 Section Modulus                              223(1)
  3.10 Section Modulus for various Standard        223(3)
    3.10.1 For Rectangular Section                 223(1)
    3.10.2 Hollow Rectangular Section              223(1)
    3.10.3 Circular Section                        224(1)
    3.10.4 Hollow Circular Section                 224(1)
    3.10.5 Triangular Section                      225(1)
    3.10.6 Semicircular Section                    225(1)
    3.10.7 I-Section                               226(1)
  3.11 Practical Application of Flexural Formula   226(1)
  3.12 Maximum Bending Moment for Some Standard    227(2)
  Type of Loading
  3.13 Calculation of Force and Moment of          229(1)
  Resistance on Partial Area of Cross-section
    3.13.1 Force on Partial Area of                229(1)
    3.13.2 Moment of Resistance Offered by         230(1)
    Partial Areas
  3.14 Flitched Beam [Composite Beam]              230(1)
  3.15 Beams of Uniform Strength                   231(55)
      Solved Problems                              232(54)
  3.16 Solved Problems Based on Force and          286(3)
  Moment of Resistance on Partial Areas
  3.17 Solved Problems Based on Flitched Beams     289(19)
  3.18 Solved Problems on Beams of Uniform         308(4)
  3.19 Additional Problems from University         312(17)
  Question Papers
      Exercise - Theory                            319(1)
      Exercise - Problems                          320(9)
4 Shear Stresses in Beams                          329(51)
  4.1 Introduction                                 329(1)
  4.2 Derivation of Shear Stress Equation          330(1)
  4.3 Variation of Shear Stress in Standard        331(6)
    4.3.1 Rectangular Section of Area (b x d)      331(1)
    4.3.2 Solid Circular Section                   332(1)
    4.3.3 Solid Isosceles Triangular Section       333(1)
    4.3.4 Solid Square Section Bending About       334(1)
    4.3.5 Symmetrical I-Section                    335(2)
  4.4 Shear Connectors                             337(1)
  4.5 Shear Stress Distribution Diagram for        338(31)
  Various Section
      Solved Problems                              339(30)
  4.6 Solved Problems Based on Shear Connectors    369(6)
  4.7 Additional Problems from University          375(5)
  Question Papers
      Exercise - Problems                          379(1)
5A Torsion                                         380(53)
  5A.1 Introduction                                385(1)
  5A.2 Difference Between Torque and Bending       385(1)
  5A.3 Assumption in Theory of Torsion             385(1)
  5A.4 Derivation of Torsional Formula             386(2)
  5A.5 Shear Stress Variation in Shaft             388(1)
  5A.6 Design Criteria for Shaft                   388(1)
    5A.6.1 Strength Criterion                      388(1)
    5A.6.2 Rigidity Criterion [Stiffness           388(1)
  5A.7 Torsional Strength, Torsional Rigidity      389(1)
  and Torsional Flexibility
    5A.7.1 Torsional Strength                      389(1)
    5A.7.2 Torsional Rigidity                      389(1)
    5A.7.3 Torsional Flexibility                   389(1)
  5A.8 Polar Moment of Inertia and Polar           390(1)
  Modulus of Solid and Hollow Circular Shaft
  5A.9 Power Transmitted by a Shaft                390(1)
  5A.10 Compound and Composite Shafts              391(2)
    5A.10.1 Shafts in Series                       391(2)
    5A.10.2 Shafts in Parallel                     393(1)
  5A.11 Statically Indeterminate Shafts            393(40)
      Solved Problems                              395(32)
      Exercise - Theory                            427(1)
      Exercise - Problems                          428(5)
5B Close Coiled Helical Springs                    433(10)
  5B.1 Introduction                                433(1)
  5B.2 Closed Coiled Helical Spring                433(2)
  5B.3 Springs in Series                           435(1)
  5B.4 Springs in Parallel                         435(8)
      Solved Problems                              435(6)
      Exercise - Problems                          441(1)
      Exercise - Theory                            441(2)
6 Direct and Bending Stresses                      443(44)
  6.1 Introduction                                 443(1)
  6.2 Concept of Axial Load and Direct Stress      443(1)
  6.3 Concept of Eccentric Loading and             444(1)
  6.4 Effect of Eccentric Load                     445(2)
  6.5 Stress Distribution at the Base              447(1)
  6.6 Uniaxial Loading                             448(2)
  6.7 Condition for No Tension in the Section      450(1)
  or Core of Section or Kernel of Section
  6.8 Core of Sections                             450(27)
    6.8.1 Core of Rectangular Section [Middle      450(1)
    One Third Rule]
    6.8.2 Core of Circular Section [Middle One     451(1)
    Fourth Rule]
    6.8.3 Core of Hollow Rectangular               452(1)
    6.8.4 Core of Hollow Circular Section          453(34)
      Solved Problems                              453(24)
  6.9 Additional Problems from University          477(10)
  Question Papers
      Exercise - Problems                          481(6)
7 Columns and Struts                               487(50)
  7.1 Introduction                                 487(1)
    7.1.1 Important Definitions                    487(1)
  7.2 Classification of Columns                    488(1)
  7.3 Buckling and Bending                         489(1)
  7.4 End Conditions of Columns                    490(1)
  7.5 Ideal Column                                 491(1)
  7.6 Difference Between Buckling and Crushing     491(1)
  7.7 Euler's Theory for Long Column               492(7)
    7.7.1 Assumptions in Euler's Column Theory     492(1)
    7.7.2 Euler's Formula for Buckling Load for    492(1)
    Columns with Both Ends Hinged or Pinned
    7.7.3 Euler's Formula for Columns with Both    493(2)
    Ends Fixed
    7.7.4 Euler's Formula for Columns with One     495(1)
    End Fixed and Other End Hinged
    7.7.5 Euler's Formula for Columns with One     496(2)
    End Fixed and Other End Free
    7.7.6 Equivalent Length or Effective Length    498(1)
  7.8 Limitation of Euler's Formula                499(1)
  7.9 Rankine Gorden Formula                       500(37)
      Solved Problems                              501(32)
      Exercise - Theory                            533(1)
      Exercise - Problems                          533(4)
8 Deflection                                       537(80)
  8.1 Introduction                                 537(1)
  8.2 Differential Equation for Deflection         537(2)
  8.3 Assumptions                                  539(1)
  8.4 Sign Conventions                             539(1)
  8.5 Other Useful Equations                       539(1)
  8.6 Double Integration Method                    540(1)
  8.7 Double Integration for Cantilever Beam       541(9)
  Subjected to Different Types of Loading
    8.7.1 Cantilever Subjected to Point Load       541
    8.7.2 Cantilever Subjected to Uniformly        54 (491)
    Distributed Load w/unit Run Over Entire Span
    8.7.3 Cantilever Beam Subjected to Load        545(2)
    Varying Linearly from Zero at the Fixed End
    to w/unit at Fixed End
    8.7.4 Cantilever Subjected to Load Varying     547(1)
    from Zero at the Free End to w/Unit Run at
    the Fixed End
    8.7.5 Cantilever Subjected to Clockwise        548(2)
    Couple of Magnitude M at its Free End
  8.8 Double Integration for Simply Supported      550(8)
  Beam Subjected to Different Types of Loading
    8.8.1 Simply Supported Beam Subjected to a     550(1)
    Central Concentrated Load W
    8.8.2 Simply Supported Beam Carrying Point     551(2)
    Load W at a Distance 'a' from Left End
    8.8.3 Simply Supported Beam Carrying           553(2)
    Uniformly Distributed Load Over the Entire
    8.8.4 Simply Supported Beam Carrying           555(3)
    Linearly Varying Load from Zero at One End
    to w/unit Length at the Other End
  8.9 Macaulay's Method                            558(1)
  8.10 Bending Moment Equation by Macaulay's       559(1)
  Method when Beam is Subjected to Bending
  Moment M
  8.11 Principle of Superposition                  559(43)
      Solved Problems                              561(41)
  8.12 Additional Problems from University         602(15)
  Question Papers
      Exercise - Problems                          613(4)
9 Principal Planes and Stresses                    617(52)
  9.1 Introduction                                 617(1)
  9.2 Different Types of Stresses                  617(1)
  9.3 Definitions                                  618(1)
    9.3.1 Principal Plane                          618(1)
    9.3.2 Principal Stresses                       618(1)
    9.3.3 Major Principal Stress                   618(1)
    9.3.4 Minor Principal Stress                   618(1)
    9.3.5 Major Principal Plane                    618(1)
    9.3.6 Minor Principal Plane                    618(1)
    9.3.7 Simple Shear and Complementary Shear     618(1)
  9.4 Normal and Tangential/Shear Stress on        619(7)
  Inclined/Oblique Plane at an Angle 0
    9.4.1 When Body is Subjected to Pure Normal    619(1)
    Stress in One Direction
    9.4.2 When Body is Subjected to Pure Shear     620(2)
    9.4.3 When Body is Subjected to Pure Normal    622(1)
    Stresses in Two Directions
    9.4.4 General Stress System [Two Normal        623(3)
    Stresses on Perpendicular Planes
    Accompanied by Shear Stress]
  9.5 Sign Conventions                             626(1)
  9.6 Mohr's Circle Method                         627(2)
  9.7 Mohr's Circle Details                        629(2)
  9.8 Combined Bending and Torsion                 631(1)
  9.9 Effect of End Thrust                         632(28)
      Solved Problems                              633(27)
  9.10 Additional Problems from University         660(9)
  Question Papers
      Exercise - Theory                            665(1)
      Exercise - Problems                          666(3)
10 Strain Energy                                   669(52)
  10.1 Strain Energy and its Forms                 669(1)
  10.2 Gradually Applied Load                      669(2)
    10.2.1 Expression for Strain Energy Due to     669(2)
    Gradually Applied Load
    10.2.2 Resilience, Proof Resilience and        671(1)
    Modulus of Resilience
  10.3 Suddenly Applied Load                       671(1)
    10.3.1 Expression for Strain Energy Due to     671(1)
    Suddenly Applied Load
  10.4 Suddenly Applied Load with Impact           672(1)
    10.4.1 Expression for Strain Energy Due to     672(1)
    Suddenly Applied Load with Impact
  10.5 Strain Energy Due to Self Weight            673(1)
  10.6 Strain Energy in Composite Bar              674(2)
    10.6.1 Composite Bars in Series                674(1)
    10.6.2 Composite Bars in Parallel              675(1)
  10.7 Strain Energy Stored in Bending in Beams    676(1)
  10.8 Strain Energy Stored in Shear               677(1)
  10.9 Strain Energy Stored in Torsion             678(2)
    10.9.1 Strain Energy Stored in Solid Shaft     679(1)
    Due to Torsion
    10.9.2 Strain Energy Stored in Hollow Shaft    679(1)
    Due to Torsion
      Solved Problems                              680(1)
  10.10 Strain Energy in Bending Under Impact      680(36)
  10.11 Additional Problems from University        716(5)
  Question Papers
      Exercise - Problems                          718(3)
11 Thin Cylinders                                  721(20)
  11.1 Introduction                                721(1)
  11.2 Thin and Thick Cylinders                    721(1)
  11.3 Stresses in the Walls of Thin Cylinders     722(1)
  11.4 Failure of Thin Cylinder Due to an          722(1)
  Internal Pressure
  11.5 Expressions for Hoop Stress                 723(1)
  (Circumferential Stress) and Longitudinal
  11.6 Change in Dimensions and Volume of          724(1)
  Cylindrical Shell Due to Internal Pressure
  11.7 Thin Spherical Shell                        725(1)
  11.8 Change in Diameter and Volume of            725(1)
  Spherical Shell
  11.9 Cylindrical Shell with Hemispherical Ends   726(1)
  11.10 Rivetted Cylinders                         727(14)
      Solved Problems                              728(11)
      Exercise - Theory                            739(1)
      Exercise - Problems                          739(2)
12 Thick Cylinders                                 741
  12.1 Introduction                                741(1)
  12.2 Assumptions Made in the Analysis of         741(1)
  Theory of Thick Cylinders
  12.3 Derivation of Lame's Equation               741(2)
  12.4 Compound Cylinders                          743
      Solved Problems                              745(8)
      Exercise - Problems                          753


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